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Fast analog sensor capture for Beaglebone Black.

Please note that this repo is for old Angstrom OS. You may want to check for Debian 10 version.


Beaglebone Black processor has built-in ADC unit, that is technically called "Touchscreen/ADC subsystem" in documentation. It can be used to capture analog signals and digitize them. Unit supports up to 8 inputs. (Incidentally, there is just a single ADC chip and capture from 8 inputs happens sequentially by multiplexing pins. This means that capturing a single pin is faster than capturing several pins.)

Another cool feature of BBB processor is that it has two "Programmable Real-time Units", or PRUs. These are just two small RISC processors that run at 200Mhz independently from the main CPU. They have access to everything on the board.

What is it?

This is a Python module that captures ADC signals by utilizing PRU. The capture is very fast, because it happens in parallel to the main CPU work. User can query signals at any time. This is as fast as a memory read operation.

In addition to just presenting the current ADC values to the user, this driver can perform some useful data processing:

  1. It can apply EMA-filtering (Exponential moving average) with pre-configured smoothing factor. This is useful for smoothening noisy signals (e.g. IR sensors).

  2. Up to two inputs can be configured as "wheel encoders". Then driver will not do any EMA filtering, but instead apply Schmitt-filtering to these signals and compute ticks and distance between encoder ticks (which is a measure of wheel speed).

  3. Driver can be configured to perform "oscilloscope capture", i.e. capture any of the computed value in real time and store the result in memory for subsequent analysis. This is useful for researching analog input shape and tuning smoothing parameters and Schmitt filter threshold.

  4. User can configure cap_delay parameter to run at lower capture speed than the maximum. Capture delay introduces some delay at every capture cycle resulting in speed slowdown. This allows one to configure ADC capture frequency.


Assume Angstrom distribution with kernel 3.8.13:

# uname -a
Linux beaglebone 3.8.13 #1 SMP Wed Sep 4 09:09:32 CEST 2013 armv7l GNU/Linux
# cat /etc/angstrom-version 
Angstrom v2012.12 (Core edition)
Built from branch: angstrom-staging-yocto1.3
Revision: 2ac8ed60f1c4152577f334b223b9203f57ed1722
Target system: arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi
  1. Install pre-requisites:

    opkg update && opkg install python-pip python-setuptools python-smbus
  2. Clone GIT repository

    git clone

    Note: if GIT refuses to clone, this might help (warning: disabling GIT SSL verification may pose a security risk)

    git config --global http.sslVerify false
  3. Build and install python package

    cd beaglebone_pru_adc
    python install
  4. See it working

    python examples/

Basic usage


import beaglebone_pru_adc as adc

capture = adc.Capture()


for _ in range(1000):
	print capture.timer, capture.values


Slowing down capture speed


import beaglebone_pru_adc as adc

capture = adc.Capture()

# the bigger the delay the slower capture is
capture.cap_delay = 2000


Using encoders


import beaglebone_pru_adc as adc

capture = adc.Capture()
capture.encoder0_pin = 0 # AIN0, aka P9_39
capture.encoder1_pin = 2 # AIN2, aka P9_37
capture.encoder0_threshold = 3000 # you will want to adjust this
capture.encoder1_thredhold = 3000 # and this...	
capture.encoder0_delay = 100 # prevents "ringing", adjust if needed
capture.encoder1_delay = 100 # ... same

for _ in range(1000):
	print capture.timer, capture.encoder0_values, capture.encoder1_values


Advanced: oscilloscope mode


import beaglebone_pru_adc as adc
import time

numsamples = 10000 # how many samples to capture

capture = adc.Capture()

capture.oscilloscope_init(adc.OFF_VALUES, numsamples) # captures AIN0 - the first elt in AIN array
#capture.oscilloscope_init(adc.OFF_VALUES+8, numsamples) # captures AIN2 - the third elt in AIN array

for _ in range(10):
	if capture.oscilloscope_is_complete():
	print '.'


print 'Saving oscilloscope values to "data.csv"'

with open('data.csv', 'w') as f:
	for x in capture.oscilloscope_data(numsamples):
		f.write(str(x) + '\n')

print 'done'


Choosing encoder threshold

Life is random and no two encoders are the same. Therefore, to get the best out of your wheel encoder you need to adjust the threshold. Here is a simple method for doing this:

  • Configure encoder pins
  • Set encoder threshold to a very high number (e.g. any number higher than 4095 will guarantee that encoder tick will never fire)
  • Start capture
  • Rotate each wheel few times while capturing
  • Examine encoder values. We are interested in min/max pair for each encoder. It will tell us what the actual signal range is for each wheel encoder
  • Choose threshold which is 5-10% lower than the range seen.

Here is the code that does it (except for the wheel rotation which need to be done manually):


import beaglebone_pru_adc as adc
import time

capture = adc.Capture()
capture.encoder0_pin = 0 # AIN0
capture.encoder1_pin = 2 # AIN2

# set threshold such that encoders never fire any ticks


print 'Now you have 10 seconds to rotate each wheel...'


_, min0, max0, _, _ = capture.encoder0_values
_, min1, max1, _, _ = capture.encoder1_values


print 'Range for the Encoder0:', min0, '-', max0
print 'Recommended threshold value for encoder 0 is:', int(0.9*(max0-min0))

print 'Range for the Encoder1:', min1, '-', max1
print 'Recommended threshold value for encoder 1 is:', int(0.9*(max1-min1))``` 

Choosing encoder delay

Encoders seem to be not very sensitive to this value. Try 100 that may work just fine for you.

delay supresses noise and prevents it from registering a tick. When delay is zero, Schmitt software filtering works in a standard way: whenever signal exceeds min+threshold uptick is registered, and whenever signal becomes less than max-threshold a downtick is registered.

With non-zero delay we require signal to overcome threshold for that many consequtive readings. Therefore, small random peaks are just ignored.

If you make delay too low, you may suffer spurious ticks triggered by signal noise. If you make it too high, and your robot goes very fast, you risk genuine tick to be considered a "noise" and hence ignored. Typical period of a tick for fast-moving wheels is around 1000 time units (reminder: time unit is one ADC read operation). Therefore, delay values of up to 250 seem still reasonable.


ADC input pins are named AIN0-AIN7 (there are 8 of them). They are located on P9 header and mapped to the header pins as follows:

AIN0: P9_39
AIN1: P9_40
AIN2: P9_37
AIN3: P9_38
AIN4: P9_35
AIN5: P9_36
AIN6: P9_33
AIN7: ?????

Digital capture produces an integer in the range 0-4095 (inclusively) for each analog input.

Driver lifetime is

  • Capture object is constructed
  • Optionally configure driver by setting properties
  • Capture.start() - driver started
  • Main processing is happening here. Read IR and encoder values
  • Capture.stop() - request sent to the driver to stop capturing and exit
  • Capture.wait() - wait for driver exit
  • Capture.close() - releases all resources

Methods and properties of Capture object:


Starts capture driver.


Sets flag signaling driver to exit exit capture loop and halt.


Blocks caller until driver halts.


Releases all driver resources.


Read-only property. Contains the number of ADC reads since the start of the driver.


EMA smoothening factor. Smoothening is performed according to the formula:

ema += (value - ema / 2^ema_pow)

Therefore, 2^ema_pow gives the smoothening size.

Valid range: 0-31

Default value is ema_pow=0 which degenerates to no smoothening.


Read-only properties. Returns the tuple of 8 ADC pin values: (AIN0, AIN1, AIN2, AIN3, AIN4, AIN5, AIN6, AIN7).

If EMA smoothening was set, these values will represent the result of EMA filtering. Note that due to the way driver applies the EMA smoothening, the values will be scaled up. To bring them back into the 0-4095 range, divide them by 2^ema_pow (or shift values right by ema_pow bits).

If some pins were declared as encoder pins, the corresponding slots in the tuple will stay zero. Use Capture.encoder0_values and Capture.encoder1_values to read encoder pin values.

Capture.encoder0_pin, Capture.encoder1_pin

Setting this property to value in range 0-7 enables corresponding encoder and makes it use this pin. Setting it to any other value disables corresponding encoder.

Default value is 0xff (disabled).

Capture.encoder0_threshold, Capture.encoder1_threshold

Threshold value for Schmitt filtering of encoder. Setting this value too high will have an effect of encoder never producing any ticks. Setting it too low opens possibility of spurious ticks triggered by random analog noise.

Capture.encoder0_delay, Capture.encoder1_delay

Delay value to filter out noise. Default value is 0 (no filtering). Reasonable value is 100 which requires signal to stay high for 100 timer units before uptick is registered, and stay low for 100 timer units before downtick is registered.

Capture.encoder0_values, Capture.encoder1_values

Read-only property that returns a 5-tuple describing the state of the encoder. Values are: (raw, min, max, ticks, speed).

  • raw is the latest raw value for the encoder pin (for internal use and debugging)
  • min is the minimum value seen during the current tick window (for internal use and debugging)
  • max is the maximum value seen during the current tick window (for internal use and debugging)
  • ticks is the number of encoder ticks seen since the start of the driver. Ticks are counted on the falling edge of the signal. This value can also be retrieved with a helper property encoder0_ticks, encoder1_ticks.
  • speed is the width of the last encoder tick in timer units. Its inverse provides a measure of speed. This value can also be retrieved with encoder0_speed, encoder1_speed

Capture.encoder0_ticks, Capture.encoder1_ticks

Read-only property that returns number of ticks registered for the corresponding encoder. Same value is returned as 4-th element of tuple retrieved by encoder0_values, encoder1_values.

Capture.encoder0_speed, Capture.encoder1_speed

Read-only property that returns inverse speed of the last registered tick. Same value is returned as 5-th element of tuple retrieved by encoder0_values, encoder1_values.

Note that name is a misnomer. Bigger values mean smaller speed. Actual speed of rotation for 16-teeth encoder can be computed as

radians_per_sec = (PI / 8) * 122000 / encoder_speed

Here PI/8 is the 1/16 of a circle - how many radians one tick represents, 122000 is (approximate) capture speed, and encoder_speed is teh value returned by the driver (which is the width in timer units of the tick).


Extra delay to be introduced in the main capture loop for the purpose of slowing down the capture speed. Default value is 0, which means "no delay". Play with the code in examples/ to choose the correct delay value for the desired speed. Try values of 100, 1000, 10000 to see the difference.

Capture.oscilloscope_init(offset, numsamples)

Sets up driver for "oscilloscope" mode. In this mode on every ADC capture a value from driver local memory will be written out to a memory buffer. The content of this buffer can later be analyzed (e.g. written to a CSV file and plotted out).


  • offset - offset into local memory where the value of interest is located. Some important offsets are:

    • OFF_VALUES - offset to the beginning of AIN values array. Use OFF_VALUES to examine AIN0, OFF_VALUES+4 to examine AIN1, etc.
    • OFF_ENC0_VALUES - offset to the beginning of encoder0 values. Use OFF_ENC0_VALUES to examine raw value of encoder0, use OFF_ENC0_VALUES+4 to examine max variable of encoder0, etc.
    • OFF_ENC1_VALUES - offset to the beginning of encoder1 values.

    For the complete list of local memory variables and their offset values see src/firmware.h and src/

  • numsamples - number of samples to record. This is limited by the size of the DDR memory allocated to the uio_pruss device driver. It is typically 0x40000, which allows recording of up to 64K oscilloscope values. This amounts to about 0.5 sec in time units.


Returns True if capture was finished (i.e. the required number of samples was recorded and is ready for retrieval).


Retrieves numsamples of data from driver DDR memory. Before calling this its a good idea to verify that oscilloscope indeed finished capturing all samples by calling oscilloscope_is_complete() (or you might read some garbage from not yet initialized memory). Of course, numsamples should be the same value as used in oscilloscope._init().

Returns an array of integers representing time evolution of the value of interest as determined by offset in oscilloscope_init() call.


  1. AM335x Technical Reference Manual. Older revision where PRU section is not deleted is here.
  2. How to control ADC (see comments by Lenny and Abd)
  3. Hipstercircuits blog and this post in particular (how to communicate with DDR memory).
  4. Excellent PyPRUSS library.
  5. prussdrv.c source by Texas Instruments.
  6. PRU assembly reference.
  7. PRU docs on TI wiki. Includes list of Open Source PRU projects.
  8. Derek Molloy's BeagleBone website.
  9. Ultrasound sensors with PRU by Teknoman.




Fast analog sensor capture for Beaglebone Black







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