The projects in this repository demonstrate working with genomic data accessible via the Google Genomics API using Apache Spark.
Follow the sign up instructions and download the
file. This file can be copied to the spark-examples directory. -
Download and install Apache Spark.
If needed, install SBT
From the spark-examples
directory run sbt run
Use the following flags to match your runtime configuration:
$ sbt "run --help"
-c, --client-secrets <arg> (default = client_secrets.json)
-j, --jar-path <arg>
(default = target/scala-2.10/googlegenomics-spark-examples-assembly-1.0.jar)
-o, --output-path <arg> (default = .)
-s, --spark-master <arg> (default = local[2])
--spark-path <arg> (default = )
--help Show help message
For example:
$ sbt "run --client-secrets ../client_secrets.json --spark-master local[4]"
A menu should appear asking you to pick the sample to run:
Multiple main classes detected, select one to run:
Enter number:
If you are seeing java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
errors, set the following SBT_OPTS flag:
export SBT_OPTS='-XX:MaxPermSize=256m'
SearchReadsExample3 produces output files and therefore requires HDFS. Be sure to update the Examples.outputPath
value to point to your HDFS master (e.g. hdfs://namenode:9000/path). Refer to the Spark documentation for more information.
Now generate the self-contained googlegenomics-spark-examples-assembly-1.0.jar
cd spark-examples
sbt assembly
which can be found in the spark-examples/target/scala-2.10 directory. Ensure this JAR is copied to all workers at the same location. Run the examples as above.
Follow the instructions to setup Google Cloud and install the Cloud SDK. At the end of the process you should be able to launch a test instance and login into it using gcutil.
Create a Google Cloud Storage bucket to store the configuration of the cluster.
gsutil mb gs://<bucket-name>
Run bdutil to create a Spark cluster.
./bdutil -e extensions/spark/ -b <configbucket> deploy
Upload the following files to provide the workers with appropriate credentials.
gcutil push --ssh_user=hadoop hadoop-m ~/.store client_secrets.json .
for i in {0..1}; do
gcutil push --ssh_user=hadoop hadoop-w-$i ~/.store client_secrets.json .;
(This step assumes thad you already ran the example locally and generated the credentials.)
Upload the assembly jar to the master node.
gcutil push --ssh_user=hadoop hadoop-m \
target/scala-2.10/googlegenomics-spark-examples-assembly-1.0.jar .
To run the examples on GCE, login to the master node and launch the examples using the scala-class
# Login into the master node
gcutil ssh --ssh_user=hadoop hadoop-m
# Add the jar to the classpath
export SPARK_CLASSPATH=googlegenomics-spark-examples-assembly-1.0.jar
# Run the examples
spark-class \
--client-secrets /home/hadoop/client_secrets.json \
--spark-master spark://hadoop-m:7077 \
--jar-path googlegenomics-spark-examples-assembly-1.0.jar
The --jar-path will take care of copying the jar to all the workers before launching the tasks.
To debug the jobs from the Spark web UI, either setup a SOCKS5 proxy or open the web UI ports on your instances.
To use your SOCKS5 proxy with port 12345 on Firefox:
bdutil socksproxy 12345
Go to Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Network -> Settings
Enable "Manual proxy configuration" with a SOCKS host "localhost" on port 12345
Force the DNS resolution to occur on the remote proxy host rather than locally.
Go to "about:config" in the URL bar
Search for "socks" to toggle "network.proxy.socks_remote_dns" to "true".
Visit the web UIs exported by your cluster!
http://hadoop-m:8080 for Spark
To open the web UI ports.
gcutil addfirewall default-allow-8080 \
--description="Incoming http 8080 allowed." \
--allowed="tcp:4040,8080,8081" \
From the developers console,
add the http-8080-server
tag to the master and worker instances or follow the instructions
here to do it from the command line.
Then point the browser to http://<master-node-public-ip>:8080