It's in English, but I'm a Brazilian software developer
I'm currently studying and researching game coding, optimized, lightweight and extremely compatible.
I'm developing a game engine with the focus on weaker computers, it's currently in the initial construction process, but the goal I want to reach is very far, it doesn't matter if it's being built with limitations.
the engine is currently being developed for 2 operating systems, such as Windows and LINUX, in the future I will extend this to BSD, Android and some Unix-based systems.
the engine supports i686
processors for now, but in the future I will implement it for ARM
, AMD64
too .
I really like the C language, specifically the ANSI C 89 standard, it is well supported by several compilers and very easy to read and identify, what about C++? I don't like .
my pc specs
More Info
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* | LEFA Game Engine |
* | Bloody TermiteZ |
* | Passnasty fantasy |