This is an overly simple sbt plugin for circumflex docco style documentation generation.
Here's an example on this very plugin: gh-pages
Include the plugin in your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.github.philcali" % "sbt-cx-docco" % "0.1.3")
Your project definition may vary. The plugin allows pretty granular control over what files to document, and where to place the documentation. An example project definition below:
import com.github.philcali.DoccoPlugin.docco
seq(doccoSettings: _*)
docco.title := "My Cool Project Docco"
docco.basePath := file("src/main/scala")
// I'm using this to filter files that contain this regex
// This defaults to anything that ends with .scala of course
docco.filenameRegex := """.*\.[scala|sbt]""".r
import sbt._
import com.github.philcali.DoccoPlugin.{
object MyBuild extends Build {
lazy val project = Project(
settings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ doccoSettings ++ Seq(
docco.title := "My Cool Project Docco",
docco.basePath <<= sourceDirectory,
docco.filenameRegex := """.*\.[scala|sbt]""".r
You can even include the plugin globally in ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt
and copy the dependency text from above.
Here's a list of all the circumflex settings during the batch docco process (I copied from the plugin's source):
// Configurable Settings
docco.basePath := file("."),
docco.outputPath <<= (target) { _ / "docco" },
docco.pageTemplate := file(".") / "docco-batch-page.html.ftl",
docco.indexTemplate := file(".") / "docco-index.html.ftl",
docco.filenameRegex := """.*\.scala$""".r,
docco.title <<= name,
docco.stripScaladoc := true,
docco.skipEmpty := true
// Configurable Tasks
Run the docco-generate
task to generate docco documentation.