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🎾🤖 TennisBallBot







🍰 Raspberry pi

  • Update the Raspberry pP's code bij executing the following two lines.
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade
  • Enable the pi cam by running sudo raspi-config, and go to the promp in Interfacing Options > Camera. And reboot.

  • Execute ./raspberry/

  • Change your work directory to the webapp folder cd raspberry/webserver/webapp.

  • Create an environment file cp .env.example .env.local.

  • Fill in the api uri, this should be the IP of the Raspberry: http:// + IP + /api/ note the trailing slash.

    • Alternatively you can just do /api/.
  • Execute npm install && npm run build.

🍣 Zumo

  • Plug the Zumo into the host machine via USB.

  • Open the zumo/ file and change the port to the port your Zumo uses.

  • Make sure that arduino-cli and screen are installed.

  • Flash the software by running the script ./zumo/

📡 Beacons

  • Plug a beacon into the host machine via USB.

  • Open the beacon/ file and change the port to the port your beacon uses.

  • Make sure that arduino-cli and screen are installed.

  • Flash the software by running the script ./beacon/

  • Repeat the last step until all four beacons have beel flashed.

⚙📚 Machine learning

To train the Tensorflow Lite model follow the tutorials from EdjeElectronics:

After this you should follow some steps to convert the model to a EdgeTPU model (runnable for the Google Coral)

  • Install edgetpu-compiler:
curl | sudo apt-key add -

echo "deb coral-edgetpu-stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/coral-edgetpu.list

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install edgetpu-compiler
  • Run the command edgetup_compiler [folder of tflite model].

  • Rename detect_edgetpu.tflite to edgetpu.tflite