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Model-based Dimensionality Reduction for Single-cell RNA-seq with Generalized Bilinear Models

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Model-based Dimensionality Reduction for Single-cell RNA-seq with Generalized Bilinear Models

R package version 1.1.1


From the R console, devtools::install_github("phillipnicol/scGBM").


We demonstrate scGBM by applying it to a random noise (i.e., a dataset with no latent variaiblity).


We begin by generating the count matrix such that each entry is (independently) Poisson with rate 1:

I <- 500
J <- 500
Y <- matrix(rpois(I*J,lambda=1),nrow=I,ncol=J)
colnames(Y) <- 1:J; rownames(Y) <- 1:I

Run scGBM with $M = 10$ latent factors

out <-,M=10)
## Iteration:  1 . Objective= -240304.2 
## Iteration:  2 . Objective= -240294.5 
## Iteration:  3 . Objective= -240287 
## Iteration:  4 . Objective= -240281.6 
## Iteration:  5 . Objective= -240277.9 
## Iteration:  6 . Objective= -240275.1 
## Iteration:  7 . Objective= -240273 
## Iteration:  8 . Objective= -240271.2 
## Iteration:  9 . Objective= -240269.9 
## Iteration:  10 . Objective= -240269.1 
## Iteration:  11 . Objective= -240268.9 
## Iteration:  13 . Objective= -240268.9 
## Iteration:  14 . Objective= -240268.6 
## Iteration:  15 . Objective= -240268 
## Iteration:  16 . Objective= -240267.4 
## Iteration:  17 . Objective= -240267 
## Iteration:  18 . Objective= -240266.9 
## Iteration:  20 . Objective= -240266.9 
## Iteration:  21 . Objective= -240266.8 
## Iteration:  22 . Objective= -240266.7 
## Iteration:  23 . Objective= -240266.5 
## Iteration:  24 . Objective= -240266.4 
## Iteration:  25 . Objective= -240266.4 
## Iteration:  26 . Objective= -240266.3 
## Iteration:  27 . Objective= -240266.2 
## Iteration:  28 . Objective= -240266 
## Iteration:  29 . Objective= -240265.9

## For users of newer versions (1.0.1+): the `scores` matrix now contains factor scores, the `V` matrix is UNSCALED scores.

To use the projection method (faster version based on subsampling), use

##Specify subsample size and number of cores
out.proj <-,M=10,subset=100,ncores=8) 

Cluster the cell scores using Seurat

Sco <- CreateSeuratObject(counts=Y)
colnames(out$scores) <- 1:10
Sco[["gbm"]] <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings=out$scores,key="GBM_")
Sco <- FindNeighbors(Sco,reduction = "gbm")
Sco <- FindClusters(Sco)

Plot the scores and color by the assigned clustering:

plot_gbm(out, cluster=Sco$seurat_clusters)

Quantify the uncertainty in the low dimensional embedding:

out <-

## Standard errors of scores and loadings are now in the list
##              1         2         3         4         5         6         7
## [1,] 0.9827696 0.9604884 0.9833750 0.9986217 0.9961750 0.9939438 1.0024827
## [2,] 0.9868728 0.9573743 0.9942293 1.0230468 1.0038184 0.9887006 0.9953444
## [3,] 0.9692269 0.9614666 0.9672354 0.9273413 0.9547951 0.9570453 0.9664860
## [4,] 0.9676738 0.9670946 0.9542210 0.9424605 0.9483404 0.9524144 0.9460106
## [5,] 1.0063214 1.0163037 0.9823466 0.9929520 0.9971580 1.0056245 1.0034012
## [6,] 1.0528522 1.0371955 1.0451813 1.0685987 1.0542485 1.0463961 1.0422791
##              8         9        10
## [1,] 0.9955121 1.0007955 0.9854292
## [2,] 0.9969187 0.9981072 0.9745440
## [3,] 0.9675816 0.9671162 0.9636636
## [4,] 0.9595275 0.9457462 0.9502666
## [5,] 1.0019558 1.0120540 0.9979084
## [6,] 1.0487410 1.0483612 1.0355369

You can visualize the uncertainty with ellipses around the points

plot_gbm(out, cluster=Sco$seurat_clusters, se=TRUE)

Now we evaluate cluster stability using the cluster cohesion index. First we need to define a function that takes as input a set of simulated scores $\tilde{V}$ and returns a new clustering:

cluster_fn <- function(V,Y) {
  Sco <- CreateSeuratObject(Y)
  colnames(V) <- 1:ncol(V)
  Sco[["gbm"]] <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings=V,key="GBM_")
  Sco <- FindNeighbors(Sco,reduction = "gbm")
  Sco <- FindClusters(Sco)

Now we can run the CCI function. Here we set reps=10 to make it fast but reps=100 (or higher) is recommended on real analyses.

cci <- CCI(out,cluster.orig=Sco$seurat_clusters, reps=25, cluster.fn = cluster_fn, Y=Y)
pheatmap::pheatmap(cci$H.table,legend=TRUE, color=colorRampPalette(c("white","red"))(100),

#Just the diagonal

The heatmap shows there is significant overlap between the clusters. This makes sense because the data was simulated to have no latent variability.


If you use scGBM in your work, please cite:

Nicol, P.B. and Miller, J.W. (2023). Model-based dimensionality reduction for single-cell RNA-seq using generalized bilinear models. bioRxiv.


Model-based Dimensionality Reduction for Single-cell RNA-seq with Generalized Bilinear Models






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