1st Place: Style Fixer
3rd Place: YouTox (Data Analytics)
First Penguin Prize: Facial Recognition
Social Good Prize: Drink Savior (Detect if drinks have been touched by somebody else)
Drum AR is a Hack 112 project made by four freshmen at Carnegie Mellon University during Spring 2019. Among 23 talented groups, we decided to explore the potentials of Computer Vision, Color, and Sound in the realm of Python. None of the team members had any prior experience with any of the used modules before the 24-hour hackthon.
On startup, this game will detect red as the only recognizable color for drum sticks. Any object of reasonable sizes will be detected as possible drum sticks.
As of completion, 5 green circles will act as hit areas for 5 different percussions, including toms, snares, and symbols. Thre corresponding sound will play when the detected drum stick hits the areas within the circles.
(1) Modefiy the codes to best fit the resolution of your monitor. Windows and Mac will require different adjustments.
(2) Sometimes the video stream might be unstable, especially when drawContours(frame, contour) is turned on.
(3) Computers with weaker graphical processing powers (weak GUP) may experience visible lagging or audio play latency.