This software allows to play and analyze the game Schafkopf. It supports the following variants (see rulesets for examples):
- Rules: Rufspiel, Solo/Wenz/Farbwenz/Geier/Farbgeier (including Tout/Sie), Bettel, Ramsch
- Expensifiers: Schneider/Schwarz, Laufende, Stoss, Doppeln
- Misc: Kurze/lange Karte, Stock, Steigern
git clone
cd openschafkopf
cargo build --release
The repository contains some examples that show how the program can be used. They are meant to be run from the root folder.
./target/release/openschafkopf -h
openschafkopf [SUBCOMMAND]
-h, --help Print help information
cli Play in command line
websocket Play in the browser
analyze Analyze played games and spot suboptimal decisions
suggest-card Suggest a card to play given the game so far
hand-stats Statistics about hands that could be dealt.
parse Parse a game into a simple format
webext Backend of a web-extension suggesting a card for a given game state
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)