This repository contains the entire book Deploying PHP applications with code samples. If you enjoy the book, please consider buying it on Leanpub!
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Deploying PHP Applications by Niklas Modess is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
In chronological order:
simpgeek <>
begumserraaydin <>
mathieuimbert <>
[Your name or handle] <[email or website]>
- Updated Phing section to clarify it's a tool written in PHP
- Updated symlink target location in Phing code example
- Added chapter 9 - "Running tests"
- Added chapter 10 - "Logs and notifications"
- Added "Conclusion"
- Open sourced the book
- Added to chapter 3 - "Environments"
- Environment variables
- Server access
- Added to chapter 5 - "Tools"
- Capistrano
- Rocketeer
- Added chapter 7 - "Dependencies"
- Added chapter 8 - "Database migrations"