Generic PHP command line flags parse library
Github: php-toolkit/pflag
- Generic command line options and arguments parser.
- Support set value data type(
), will auto format input value. - Support set multi alias names for an option.
- Support set multi short names for an option.
- Support set default value for option/argument.
- Support read flag value from ENV var.
- Support set option/argument is required.
- Support set validator for check input value.
- Support auto render beautiful help message.
Flag Options:
- Options start with
, and the first character must be a letter - Support long option. eg:
--long value
- Support short option. eg:
-s -a value
- Support define array option
- eg:
--tag php --tag go
will gettag: [php, go]
- eg:
Flag Arguments:
- Support binding named arguemnt
- Support define array argument
- Use
to quickly build a simple command application - Use
to quickly build a command application that supports subcommands
- Require PHP 8.0+
composer require toolkit/pflag
Flags - is an cli flags(options&argument) parser and manager.
example codes please see example/flags-demo.php
use Toolkit\PFlag\Flags;
require dirname(__DIR__) . '/test/bootstrap.php';
$flags = $_SERVER['argv'];
// NOTICE: must shift first element.
$scriptFile = array_shift($flags);
$fs = Flags::new();
// can with some config
/** @see Flags::$settings */
'descNlOnOptLen' => 26
// ...
Examples for add flag option define:
use Toolkit\PFlag\Flag\Option;
use Toolkit\PFlag\FlagType;
use Toolkit\PFlag\Validator\EnumValidator;
// add options
// - quick add
$fs->addOpt('age', 'a', 'this is a int option', FlagType::INT);
// - use string rule
$fs->addOptByRule('name,n', 'string;this is a string option;true');
// - use array rule
/** @see Flags::DEFINE_ITEM for array rule */
$fs->addOptByRule('name-is-very-lang', [
'type' => FlagType::STRING,
'desc' => 'option name is to lang, desc will print on newline',
'shorts' => ['d','e','f'],
// TIP: add validator limit input value.
'validator' => EnumValidator::new(['one', 'two', 'three']),
// -- add multi option at once.
'tag,t' => 'strings;array option, allow set multi times',
'f' => 'bool;this is an bool option',
// - use Option
$opt = Option::new('str1', "this is string option, \ndesc has multi line, \nhaha...");
Examples for add flag argument define:
use Toolkit\PFlag\Flag\Argument;
use Toolkit\PFlag\FlagType;
// add arguments
// - quick add
$fs->addArg('strArg1', 'the is string arg and is required', 'string', true);
// - use string rule
$fs->addArgByRule('intArg2', 'int;this is a int arg and with default value;no;89');
// - use Argument object
$arg = Argument::new('arrArg');
// OR $arg->setType(FlagType::ARRAY);
$arg->setDesc("this is an array arg,\n allow multi value,\n must define at last");
use Toolkit\PFlag\Flags;
use Toolkit\PFlag\FlagType;
// ...
if (!$fs->parse($flags)) {
// on render help
vdump($fs->getOpts(), $fs->getArgs());
Show help
$ php example/flags-demo.php --help
Run demo:
$ php example/flags-demo.php --name inhere --age 99 --tag go -t php -t java -d one -f arg0 80 arr0 arr1
# options
array(6) {
["str1"]=> string(6) "defVal"
["name"]=> string(6) "inhere"
["age"]=> int(99)
["tag"]=> array(3) {
[0]=> string(2) "go"
[1]=> string(3) "php"
[2]=> string(4) "java"
["name-is-very-lang"]=> string(3) "one"
["f"]=> bool(true)
# arguments
array(3) {
[0]=> string(4) "arg0"
[1]=> int(80)
[2]=> array(2) {
[0]=> string(4) "arr0"
[1]=> string(4) "arr1"
Get flag value is very simple, use method getOpt(string $name)
TIP: Will auto format input value by define type.
$force = $fs->getOpt('f'); // bool(true)
$age = $fs->getOpt('age'); // int(99)
$name = $fs->getOpt('name'); // string(inhere)
$tags = $fs->getOpt('tags'); // array{"php", "go", "java"}
$arg0 = $fs->getArg(0); // string(arg0)
// get an array arg
$arrArg = $fs->getArg(1); // array{"arr0", "arr1"}
// get value by name
$arrArg = $fs->getArg('arrArg'); // array{"arr0", "arr1"}
In the pflag, built in CliApp
and CliCmd
for quick create and run an simple console application.
Build and run a simple command handler. see example file example/clicmd.php
use Toolkit\Cli\Cli;
use Toolkit\PFlag\CliCmd;
use Toolkit\PFlag\FlagsParser;
->config(function (CliCmd $cmd) {
$cmd->name = 'demo';
$cmd->desc = 'description for demo command';
// config flags
$cmd->options = [
'age, a' => 'int;the option age, is int',
'name, n' => 'the option name, is string and required;true',
'tags, t' => 'array;the option tags, is array',
// or use property
// $cmd->arguments = [...];
'arg1' => 'this is arg1, is string'
->setHandler(function (FlagsParser $fs) {
# show help
php example/clicmd.php -h
# run command
php example/clicmd.php --age 23 --name inhere value1
- Display help:
- Run command:
Create an multi commands application, run subcommand. see example file example/cliapp.php
use Toolkit\Cli\Cli;
use Toolkit\PFlag\CliApp;
use Toolkit\PFlag\FlagsParser;
use Toolkit\PFlagTest\Cases\DemoCmdHandler;
$app = new CliApp();
$app->add('test1', fn(FlagsParser $fs) => vdump($fs->getOpts()), [
'desc' => 'the test 1 command',
'options' => [
'opt1' => 'opt1 for command test1',
'opt2' => 'int;opt2 for command test1',
$app->add('test2', function (FlagsParser $fs) {
}, [
// 'desc' => 'the test2 command',
'options' => [
'opt1' => 'a string opt1 for command test2',
'opt2' => 'int;a int opt2 for command test2',
'arguments' => [
'arg1' => 'required arg1 for command test2;true',
// fn - required php 7.4+
$app->add('show-err', fn() => throw new RuntimeException('test show exception'));
# show help
php example/cliapp.php -h
# run command
php example/cliapp.php test2 --opt1 val1 --opt2 23 value1
- Display commands:
- Command help:
- Run command:
The options/arguments rules. Use rule can quick define an option or argument.
- string value is rule(
). - array is define item
- supported type see
use Toolkit\PFlag\FlagType;
$rules = [
// v: only value, as name and use default type FlagType::STRING
// k-v: key is name, value can be string|array
// name => rule
'long,a,b' => 'int', // long is option name, a and b is shorts.
'f' => FlagType::BOOL,
'str1' => ['type' => 'int', 'desc' => 'an string option'],
'tags' => 'array', // can also: ints, strings
'name' => 'type;the description message;required;default', // with desc, default, required
For options
- option allow set shorts
TIP: name
is the option name. remaininga,b
is short names.
For arguments
- argument no alias/shorts
- array value only allow defined at last
Definition item
The const Flags::DEFINE_ITEM
public const DEFINE_ITEM = [
'name' => '',
'desc' => '',
'type' => FlagType::STRING,
'helpType' => '', // use for render help
// 'index' => 0, // only for argument
'required' => false,
'default' => null,
'shorts' => [], // only for option
// value validator
'validator' => null,
// 'category' => null
// -------------------- settings for parse option --------------------
* Stop parse option on found first argument.
* - Useful for support multi commands. eg: `top --opt ... sub --opt ...`
* @var bool
protected $stopOnFistArg = true;
* Skip on found undefined option.
* - FALSE will throw FlagException error.
* - TRUE will skip it and collect as raw arg, then continue parse next.
* @var bool
protected $skipOnUndefined = false;
// -------------------- settings for parse argument --------------------
* Whether auto bind remaining args after option parsed
* @var bool
protected $autoBindArgs = true;
* Strict match args number.
* if exist unbind args, will throw FlagException
* @var bool
protected $strictMatchArgs = false;
support some settings for render help
// -------------------- settings for built-in render help --------------------
* Auto render help on provide '-h', '--help'
* @var bool
protected $autoRenderHelp = true;
* Show flag data type on render help.
* if False:
* -o, --opt Option desc
* if True:
* -o, --opt STRING Option desc
* @var bool
protected $showTypeOnHelp = true;
* Will call it on before print help message
* @var callable
private $beforePrintHelp;
- custom help message renderer
$fs->setHelpRenderer(function (\Toolkit\PFlag\FlagsParser $fs) {
// render help messages
phpunit --debug
test with coverage:
phpdbg -dauto_globals_jit=Off -qrr $(which phpunit) --coverage-text
phpdbg -dauto_globals_jit=Off -qrr $(which phpunit) --coverage-clover ./test/
# use xdebug
phpunit --coverage-clover ./test/
Check out these projects, which use :
- inhere/console Full-featured php command line application library.
- kite Kite is a tool for help development.
- More, please see Packagist