๐ Kumpulan berbagai sumber daya untuk belajar koding dari hasil karya para kreator lokal yang terpercaya dan telah dikurasi oleh komunitas PHPID
- Urutkan setiap item berdasarkan abjad dan posisikan sesuai tipenya
- Ikuti format yang telah tersedia
- Jelaskan Business Model sesuai dengan pilihan yang kami telah sediakan, yakni
- Rating akan disematakan oleh tim kurasi dari PHPID didasarkan pada kualitas isi dan keterbaruan konten. Rating yang telah diberikan bersifat mutlak.
### Nama Produk
- Creator: Nama pembuat atau nama tim
- URL: Alamat website/apps
- Description: Deskripsi singkat
- Topic Tags: Tags
- Rating: 1-5
Diurutkan berdasarkan abjad dan dipisahkan berdasarkan tipe
- Creator: Robby Dianputra
- URL: https://bagicode.com
- Description: Kelas online free dan one time paid dengan studi kasus membuat aplikasi android
- Topic Tags: xml, kotlin, android, java
- Business Model: ONE TIME PAID
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Ano Van
- URL: https://pasarkode.com
- Description: Tempat pengembang dan desainer dapat menjual dan membeli berbagai source code atau asset digital yang siap digunakan.
- Topic Tags: developer, desainer, freelancer, programmer
- Business Model: MEMBERSHIP
- Tipe: PORTAL
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Puguh Sulistyo Pambudi
- URL: https://puguhsulistyo.xyz
- Description: video pembelajaran php dasar
- Topic Tags: php, codeigniter, css, html
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/LintangWisesa1
- Description: Kanal YouTube berisi showcase, demo & tutorial seputar teknologi mulai dari front-end, back-end, database, IoT, microcontroller & data science.
- Topic Tags: javascript, python, c++, nodejs, flask, arduino, raspberry pi, react, vue, mysql, mongodb, postgresql, pandas, scikit-learn
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Anwar Maulana
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnwarMaulana3idot
- Description: Tutorial aplikasi Android menggunakan block-programming App Inventor & Kodular
- Topic Tags: appinventor, kodular
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Gilang Rusydi
- URL : http://facebook.com/tahucode.id
- Description: Berbagai variasi informasi seputar dunia IT
- Topic Tags: html/html5,css/css3, php,javascript,framework php, library php, framework js, library js, design, review product
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: JanuriDP
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKlFMWdYE9CILIoIjOEeu8w
- Description: Vlog dan Screencast tentang System Administrator, DevOps, Programming, dan Makanan.
- Topic Tags: SysAdmin, DevOps, Cloud, Linux
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Febri Hidayan
- URL: https://sekolahprogram.com/
- Description: Media untuk belajar tutorial pemograman secara online dan sepenuhnya gratis
- Topic Tags: HTML, Java, Python, Vue.js, Laravel, PHP
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Yugo
- URL: https://laravel.web.id
- Description: Tutorial, tips & trik seputar framework Laravel dan PHP dalam Bahasa Indonesia
- Topic Tags: laravel, php
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Nafies Luthfi
- URL: https://blog.nafies.id/tags/testing
- Description: Seri artikel praktek TDD untuk project Laravel.
- Topic Tags: laravel, testing
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Muhammad Saleh Solahudin
- URL: https://alwaysngoding.com
- Description: Tempat belajar pemrograman gratis berbahasa Indonesia.
- Topic Tags: web, html, css, php, javascript, database, mysql, python
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: PORTAL
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Azis Hapidin
- URL: https://azishapidin.com/
- Description: Blog pribadi Azis Hapidin, membahas seputar dunia software development.
- Topic Tags: developer, laravel, php, linux, mysql
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Luri Darmawan
- URL: https://carik.id/
- Description: Smart and Funny Chat Bot Assistant
- Topic Tags: bot, chatbot, nlp
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Rating: 5
- Creator: Muhammad Azmi
- URL: https://amperakoding.com
- Description: Tutorial Pemograman, Komputer, dan Linux
- Topic Tags: php, mysql, codeigniter, linux
- Business Model: FREEMIUM
- Tipe: PORTAL
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Muhammad Azamuddin
- URL: https://www.facebook.com/arrowfunxtion
- Description: Fanspage tentang dunia web development modern
- Topic Tags: React, Laravel, NodeJS, Modern Web, MongoDB, Redis
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: PORTAL
- Rating: 3
- Creator: Kresna Galuh
- URL: https://www.codepolitan.com
- Description: Semua yang kamu butuhkan untuk memulai belajar coding dan meningkatkan keahlian codingmu hingga mahir dengan alur belajar yang super jelas dan terarah.
- Topic Tags: Full Stack, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Web, PHP, JavaScript, Android, VueJS, React, Kotlin, CSS, HTML
- Business Model: MEMBERSHIP
- Tipe: PORTAL
- Rating: 5
- Creator: Luri Darmawan
- URL: https://fastplaz.com/
- Description: Pacsal Web Framework
- Topic Tags: pascal,lazarus,framework,web
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: PORTAL
- Rating: 3
- Creator: Wildan Fuady
- URL: https://ilmucoding.com
- Description: Situs belajar coding Bahasa Indonesia
- Topic Tags: python, golang, codeigniter 3, codeigniter 4, vuejs, reactjs, flutter, laravel, livewire, deno, dart, android, kotlin, c++, react native, djanggo
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: PORTAL
- Rating: 0
- Creator: InaCode
- URL: https://inacode.id
- Description: Konten belajar ilmu komputer
- Topic Tags: komputer,pemrograman,coding
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: PORTAL
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Pascal Indonesia Team,
- URL: https://pascal-id.org
- Description: Situs Informasi Pascal Indonesia
- Topic Tags: pascal,delphi,framework,fastplaz
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: PORTAL
- Rating: 2
- Creator: Rio Astamal
- URL: https://teknocerdas.com/
- Description: TeknoCerdas.com adalah sebuah portal berita teknologi informasi yang membahas cloud computing dan tutorial programming
- Topic Tags: Cloud, Security, AWS, GCP, Azure
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: PORTAL
- Rating: 4
- Creator: Angga Permana
- URL: https://www.trentech.id
- Description: Informasi seputar startup, teknologi, dan belajar koding.
- Topic Tags: trentech, startup, koding, wordpress, vuejs, codeigniter, laravel, react, gatsby, angular, php
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: PORTAL
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Moch Diki Widianto
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHCeXVac9AsNvOCkqYE4UtA
- Description: Channel berbagi informasi dan pengetahuan dunia teknologi informasi dengan menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia.
- Topic Tags: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Laravel, Git, Tips Trik, Programming, Full Stack
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Ekky Ridyanto
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo2MhO0TrEUKdL9Pt-JNgLg
- Description: Channel Belajar Online. Mulai Dari Sini Akses Beragam Kelas Pemrograman, Web Design, Mobile Apps.
- Topic Tags: firebase, ajax, php, codeigniter, laravel, composer, html, css, bootstrap, webdesign, webprogramming, javascript, vuejs, react, angular, mobileapps
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Angga
- URL: https://buildwithangga.com/
- Description: Website untuk belajar design dan coding secara online
- Topic Tags: laravel, react js, node js, express js, dart, flutter, kotlin, react native, data science, code igniter, php, html, css
- Business Model: FREEMIUM
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Ade Priyanto
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/DakwahKodingDigital
- Description: Chanel Berbagi Informasi dan Pengetahuan tentang Pemrograman Web, Yii2 Framework, Trik & Tips, Kajian Islami serta Pertanian.
- Topic Tags: php, mysql, Yii2, Tips Trik
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator : Dea Venditama
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/DeaVenditama
- Description : Coding Tutorial and Random Things about Technology
- Topic Tags : Web, PHP, CodeIgniter, Yii, Python, Machine Learning, Data Science
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator : Didik Kurniawan
- URL: https://youtube.com/didikmakaryo
- Description : Bahas materi-materi kuliah S1-Teknik Informatika yang dikemas secara simple agar lebih mudah dipahami.
- Topic Tags : Opini, PHP, HTML, Database
- Business Model : FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Chandra Ahmad Rizki
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyIdrgBbX7-A8tcu_ivA4KA
- Description: Sharing - sharing video belajar bahasa pemrograman
- Topic Tags: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, CodeIgniter, Angular, Ionic
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Achmad Mardiansyah
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI611_IIkQC0rsLWIFIx_yg
- Description: Organisasi yang menyediakan jasa training dan solusi IT (aplikasi, networking, system dan automation), ada free webinar dan rekamannya diupload ke youtube
- Topic Tags: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Django, Shell Script, CodeIgniter, SQL, GIT, Laravel, Git, Networking, SysAdmin, Radius
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Hendri Pemenang
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/hobikomputer
- Description: Channel Youtube Pembelajaran dan Berbagi Ilmu Web Developer untuk Front End, Back End, FULL STACK DEVELOPER, Dev Ops, Web Design & Web Programming Dasar.
- Topic Tags: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Laravel, Git, Tips Trik, Design, Web, Front End, Full Stack
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Harry Setya Hadi
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/H4nkTech
- Description: Berbagi seputar Tutotrial Komputer yang meliputi Pemograman, Jaringan, Video Editing, Tips dan Trik, Seputar kegiatan Dunia Kampus
- Topic Tags: Database, PHP, CodeIgniter, HTML, Filmora
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Yuda Sukmana
- URL: https://jagoreact.com
- Description: Tempat Belajar Modern Web Development
- Topic Tags: react, firebase
- Business Model: MEMBERSHIP
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Ilham Julian Efendi
- URL : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEzN0oBll3dQga-9z88heyA
- Description: Berbagi tutorial pemrograman web dan mobile dan segala sesuatu yang menarik seputar dunia IT.
- Topic Tags: PHP, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Flutter, Git, Android, Database, Tips Trik
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: LampungDev
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/lampungdev
- Description: Belajar Menjadi Software Engineer Profesional
- Topic Tags: react, react native, golang, swift, python
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Muhammad Irsyad
- URL: https://youtube.com/c/lazdayindonesia
- Description: Video Tutorial Android Kotlin, Flutter & Java
- Topic Tags: android, kotlin, flutter, java
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 4
- Creator: Maulana Ilham
- URL: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCqJBoFEcTwwEaOQ7lcnGucw
- Description: Tutorial pemrograman mobile android
- Topic Tags: flutter
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Musa Amin
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/musaamin
- Description: YouTube Channel seputar Linux System Administrator
- Topic Tags: linux, sysadmin, cloud, devops
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Muhammad Fahriansyah & M Iqbal Maulana
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ngodingers
- Description: Ngodingers bertujuan untuk memberikan konten pemrograman dengan Bahasa Indonesia, agar lebih mudah dalam dipahamai dan diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan.
- Topic Tags: NodeJS, Golang, AI, OpenCV, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Data Sience, Full Stack, PHP, JavaScript
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Ahmad Muhardian
- URL: https://www.petanikode.com
- Description: Tempat belajar budidaya kode.
- Topic Tags: JavaScript, Java, PHP, Python, Git, C, C++
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 4
- Creator: Asep Komarudin
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/pojokcode
- Description: Tutorial SQL dan Pemprograman
- Topic Tags: PHP, Java, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, Oracle
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Fika Ridaul Maulayya
- URL: https://santrikoding.com
- Description: Belajar koding bahasa indonesia terlengkap dan mudah dipahami seperti Laravel, CodeIgniter, Vue JS, JavaScript dan masih banyak lagi.
- Topic Tags: PHP, CodeIgniter, Laravel, SysAdmin, Database, JavaScript
- Business Model: FREEMIUM
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Sastra Nababan
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/SastraNababan
- Description: Membahas topik seputar pemograman, open source, teknologi dan software engineering.
- Topic Tags: Javascript, React, Tailwind, Typescript
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Hafizul Furqan
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnsuWbi9bdFzrjNOZUSIPMg
- Description: Sharing apapun yang dirasa bermanfaat, khususnya di bidang programming.
- Topic Tags: php, codeigniter 4, javascript
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Thoriq Aziz
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/thoriqaziz
- Description: Tempat belajar & berbagi bersama seputar dunia IT.
- Topic Tags: php, laravel, vuejs
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Tunas Digital Indonesia
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCic3QxqNzTzGGcegNzsgqFA
- Description: Video berseri ini membahas tentang bagaimana cara membangun framework MVC (Model View Controller) sendiri. Kenapa kita perlu membangun framework sendiri? Banyak keuntungannya, jika anda saat ini masih mahasiswa, ini bisa jadi topik skripsi anda. Jika anda saat ini menjadi programmer/praktisi maka ini bisa jadi peluang bisnis baru berupa menjual framework anda sendiri.
- Topic Tags: MVC, Framework MVC, Design Pattern
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Andi Hoerudin
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpU7qfVvHlMf698on43t9LQ/playlists
- Description: Tutorial Pemograman Dengan Study Case tentu dengan teknologi Kekinian.
- Topic Tags: Javascript,php,codeinteger,laravel,android,react native,vue js
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Victor Silalahi
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/VictorSilalahi
- Description: Video pembelajaran programming di javascript dan python
- Topic Tags: JavaScript, jQuery, ThreeJS, VisJS, ChartJS, PlotlyJS, BabylonJS, Python, Matplotlib, MySQL, Tkinter, Socket, Data Visualization, Graph, 3D
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Sandhika Galih
- URL: https://youtube.com/webprogrammingunpas
- Description: Channel Youtube Pembelajaran Web Design & Web Programming Dasar
- Topic Tags: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Git, Tips Trik, Web Design, Modern Web, Web
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 5
- Creator: M. Nur Fawaiq
- URL: https://youtube.com/yukcoding2
- Description: Berbagi tutorial pemrograman gratis dan tips trik menarik seputar dunia IT.
- Topic Tags: PHP, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Android, Database, Tips Trik
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: VIDEO
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Iqbal Wahyudi
- URL: https://www.aneiqbal.com/p/tutorial-php.html
- Description: Tutorial CRUD sederhana dengan PHP & MySQL untuk pemula (study case data mahasiswa).
- Topic Tags: php, mysql, phpmyadmin
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Rizqi Nur Assyaufi
- URL: https://bandithijo.github.io
- Description: Blog pribadi berisi catatan hasil bereksplorasi dalam menggunakan GNU/Linux dalam kegiatan sehari-hari dan bekerja.
- Topic Tags: tips trik, ruby, rails, arch linux
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Hendra Juice
- URL: https://cakjuice.com
- Description: Blog tentang Python, Odoo, Django
- Topic Tags: python, django, odoo
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Victra sonata
- URL: https://codedoct.com
- Description: Tutorial programming
- Topic Tags: php, laravel, ruby, rails, react native, visual basic, ubuntu, css, sass
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Anugrah Sandi
- URL: https://daengweb.id
- Description: Belajar pemrograman dengan study case.
- Topic Tags: PHP, Laravel, Flutter, VueJS, Tips Trik
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 4
- Creator: Didik Wicaksono
- URL: https://didik.id
- Description: Blog pribadi berisikan tentang programming, pengembangan diri, serta makanan
- Topic Tags: ruby, rails, javascript
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Michael A.C Tulenan
- URL: https://biolinky.co/doexploit
- Description: Blog yang berisi tutorial linux server dari basic sampai advanced. Pas banget buat pemula, kenapa? karena disertai keterangan dari step awal hingga akhir, sehingga proses belajar jadi lebih mudah. Learn then Share!
- Topic Tags: linux, server, python, devops, sysadmin, debian
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Epsi Sayidina
- URL: http://epsi-rns.github.io/
- Description: This site is mainly discuss about linux distribution or BSD, desktop customization, window manager tweak, And sometimes other interesting issue as well, such as package manager, file system and init.
- Topic Tags: Terminal, Window Manager, Container, Distro, BASH, Lua
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Epsi Sayidina
- URL: https://epsi-rns.gitlab.io/
- Description: This site is mainly discuss about web development, frontend, backend, and especially SSG (static site generator), And sometimes other interesting issue as well, such as coding and design.
- Topic Tags: SSG, JAM Stack, Template Engine, CSS Preprocessor, Bundler, CI/CD, API
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Ilham Maulana
- URL: http://flutter.id/
- Description: Tutorial flutter bahasa indonesia
- Topic Tags: flutter, restapi
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Hakim Sembiring
- URL: https://idstack.net
- Description: Situs Belajar Pemrograman Berbahasa Indonesia
- Topic Tags: PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, VueJS, NodeJS
- Business Model: FREE, MEMBERSHIP
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Mochammad Ihza Rizky Karim
- URL: https://ihzarizkyk.blogspot.com/
- Description: Blog Pribadi Yang Berisi mengenai Tutorial Pemrograman C, PHP, Python dan Data Science Seperti NumPy
- Topic Tags: php, python, numpy, c
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Nurul Huda Ibnu Zakaria
- URL: https://jagongoding.com
- Description: Catatan tentang Linux, dan hal-hal berkaitan dengan teknis pemrograman.
- Topic Tags: Linux, php
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Muhammad Amirul Ihsan
- URL: https://kawankoding.id
- Description: Tempatnya Belajar Laravel
- Topic Tags: PHP, Laravel, Tips Trik
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 4
- Creator: Lendis Fabri
- URL: https://kopiding.in
- Description: Hanya ingin berbagi saja, website dengan kumpulan informasi teknologi pemrograman terbaru dan source code gratisan
- Topic Tags: laravel, python, web development
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: kumpul4semut
- URL: kumpul4semut.com
- Description: Tutorial koding otodidak php, python, react, linux, dsb
- Topic Tags: python, bash shell, linux, vps, php, codeigniter, react
- Business Model: REE with Ads
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Musa Amin
- URL: https://musaamin.web.id
- Description: Blog personal yang berisi tutorial Linux System Administrator dan teknologi open source lainnya.
- Topic Tags: linux, sysadmin, cloud, devops
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Rizaldi Maulidia Achmad
- URL: https://www.mynotescode.com
- Description: My Notes Code adalah sebuah blog yang berisi mengenai kumpulan catatan seputar pemograman seperti tutorial, tips, trik, dan pemecahan masalah beserta solusinya
- Topic Tags: PHP, CodeIgniter, Laravel, jQuery, Tips Trik
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Nur Hidayat
- URL: https://pojokprogrammer.net
- Description: Blog tentang Pemrograman
- Topic Tags: PHP, Database, Analisa, Design
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 3
- Creator: Achmad Rivaldi
- URL: http://puppetkode.my.id/
- Description: Belajar Pemerograman bersama puppetkode
- Topic Tags: JavaScript, web, php
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Aris Samsudin
- URL: https://www.warungbelajar.com
- Description: Sebuah Blog yang berisi mengenai tutorial dibidang teknologi, seperti Tutorial Pemrograman, penggunaan aplikasi komputer, dan smartphone.
- Topic Tags: Wordpress, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, CodeIgniter, Tips Trik
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Yudi Setiawan
- URL: https://medium.com/@kolonel.yudisetiawan
- Description: Berbagi pengalaman lewat tulisan selama berkarir di dunia programming yang berfokus pada pengembangan aplikasi mobile (Android & Flutter)
- Topic Tags: android, flutter, java, kotlin, dart
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Tipe: BLOG
- Rating: 0
- Creator: Andre Pratama
- URL: https://www.duniailkom.com
- Description: Website belajar Programming dan Ilmu Komputer. Menyajikan berbagai tutorial bahasa pemrograman yang mudah dipahami hingga informasi seputar dunia pendidikan IT. Duniailkom juga menyediakan eBook premium sebagai media belajar programming yang lebih lengkap.
- Topic Tags: pascal, html, css, php, mysql, javascript, jquery, java, c, python, wordpress, laravel
- Business Model: FREE WITH ADS
- Tipe: EBOOK
- Rating: 4
- Creator: Muhammad Azamuddin & Hafid Mukhlasin
- URL: https://buku-laravel-vue.com
- Description: Ebook Bundle untuk Belajar Menjadi Fullstack Developer Laravel & Vue
- Topic Tags: Laravel, VueJS, Database, MySQL, Rest API
- Business Model: MEMBERSHIP
- Tipe: EBOOK
- Rating: 4
- Creator: Komunitas Git Indonesia
- URL: https://github.com/GitIndonesia
- Description: Komunitas Git Indonesia, didalamnya terdapat repository-repository yang berguna untuk semua yg dimana telah dijadikan satu menjadi list-awesome-repository indonesia, kalian juga bisa ikut membantu kontribusi.
- Topic Tags: komunitas, git, php, html, css
- Business Model: FREE NO ADS
- Rating: 0
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