##Japan's Municipalities
###MunicipalitiesDemographics.geojson Feature Count: 1901
Min Scale: 1500001
Max Scale: 500001
Spatial Reference:4326
Max Allowable Offset: None
Geometry Precision: None
Source: http://demographics2.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/JPN_Demographics_and_Boundaries/MapServer/8
###MunicipalitiesStandardGeographyQuery.geojson Feature Count: 1901
FilterGeographyLayerID: "JP.Country"
FilterGeographyWhere: "Japan"
GeneralizationLevel: "6"
Spatial Reference:4326
SubGeographyLayerID: "JP.Municipalities"
##Japan's Prefectures
###PrefectureDemographics.geojson Feature Count: 47
Min Scale: 20000000
Max Scale: 18000001
Spatial Reference:4326
Max Allowable Offset: None
Geometry Precision: None
Source: http://demographics2.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/JPN_Demographics_and_Boundaries/MapServer/6
###PrefectureStandardGeographyQuery.geojson Feature Count: 47
FilterGeographyLayerID: "JP.Country"
FilterGeographyWhere: "Japan"
GeneralizationLevel: "6"
Spatial Reference:4326
SubGeographyLayerID: "JP.Prefectures"
##Developer Tips
- Browse global data collection to explore hierarches quickly
- Highest quality web service data (for geometry and property data) contained in Esri demographics services (look for 3 digit country code in Map Service Name)
- http://demographics1.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services
- http://demographics2.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services
- http://demographics3.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services
- http://demographics4.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services
- http://demographics5.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services
- Use Query operation to fetch geometry for desired layers in the map service
(spatial reference should be 4326) - Do not query for attributes / properties unless you understand credit model
- Services often have a limit on the number of features that can be returned, so it's a good idea to make a request to
and then paginate requests in chunks of 1000 - If rough data (generalized at level 6) is all that is needed it's possible to get geometries using StandardGeographyQuery requests - which can also return centroids
- To convert Esri Geometry to GeoJSON use this project - http://terraformer.io/
- To recreate a map service from a data source use this project - http://koopjs.github.io/