Step 1: Using a Mac save delete_crap.py to your uploads directory
Step 2: Create a keep_list.csv file like the one in this repository.
The keep_list.csv file contains a list of files you want to keep.
Make sure to add the delete_crap.py and keep_list.csv
to your CSV list, otherwise the app will try and delete those files which would be bad.
Save the keep_list.csv file to the same directory where delete_crap.py lives.
Step 3: Open the terminal and CD to the uploads directory
Step 4: Run this command below in the terminal
python delete_crap.py keep_list.csv /Users/doug5997/Pictures/uploads
Note: The above python command takes two parameters:
- path to list containing the files your want to keep
- path to the top directory you are trying to clean