Cache extension for PSR-18 HTTP client.
Install this package and your favorite psr-18 implementation, psr-17 implementation and cache implementation.
composer require webclient/ext-cache:^2.0
use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseFactoryInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface;
use Webclient\Cache\Contract\CacheInterface;
use Webclient\Extension\Cache\Client;
use Webclient\Extension\Cache\CacheKeyFactory\CacheKeyFactoryInterface;
* @var ClientInterface $client Your PSR-18 HTTP Client
* @var ResponseFactoryInterface $responseFactory Your PSR-17 response factory
* @var StreamFactoryInterface $streamFactory Your PSR-17 stream factory
* @var CacheInterface $cache Your cache adapter
* @var CacheKeyFactoryInterface|null $cacheKeyFactory key factory for your cache
$http = new CacheClientDecorator(
'X-Private-Cache-Key-Header', // name of the header in which the private cache key is contained
4096, // Maximal response size (with header). null for unlimited.
2147483648 // maximal TTL of cache items
/** @var RequestInterface $request */
$response = $http->sendRequest($request);
/** @var RequestInterface $request */
$response = $http->sendRequest($request);
* For using private cache add header `X-Private-Cache-Key-Header` (or your configured) to request.
* header `X-Private-Cache-Key-Header` (or your configured) do not be sent to original http-client.
$response = $http->sendRequest($request->withHeader('X-Private-Cache-Key-Header', ['private-key-for-current-user']));
If the request contains If-None-Match
, If-Match
, If-Modified-Since
, If-Unmodified-Since
, or If-Range
then the response will be returned as is.
Partial requests not supports.