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A project manager for EDOPro extension packs.


This is an open source command line tool written in Lua, using LuaJIT, to help Yu-Gi-Oh! card makers for the EDOPro game. It helps the process of managing extension packs: copying files to the game folder, adding cards to the extension database, generating card pics, etc.

The name of the project is based on the Portuguese word for factory, fábrica, and is pronounced just like that, "FAH-bree-kah". From Brazil, with love 💚.

Special thanks to the following artists, since card pic generation was only made possible thanks to their work:


Currently available features are checked. Features planned for release in the near future are left unchecked.

  • Creation of EDOPro extension pack folder structure;
  • Global and local configurations, e.g. game folders;
  • Synchronization of pack to game folders;
  • Support for different sets of card pics and expansions;
  • Generation of card pics from .cdb and raw artwork;
  • Export pack to .zip, ready for sharing;
  • Making .cdb files out of descriptive .toml files.
  • Multi-language support.

Note: to generate card pics from a card databases, this software uses an image processing library that only works on 64-bit systems. This is irrelevant for the rest of the features, though.


For further instructions about how to install and use YGOFabrica, go to the wiki! You can find there a step-by-step build guide too, if you need.