An extensible OAuth 2.0, standard compliant client library for Node.js and the Web. Also supports the Bearer Token Usage and Token Introspection standards.
Start by creating and configuring your OAuth 2.0 client.
import * as OAuth2 from 'oauth2-client-ts';
const client = new OAuth2.Client({
credentials: new OAuth2.ClientCredentials('myClientId', 'myClientSecret'),
tokenEndpoint: '',
authorizationEndpoint: '',
You can then use one of the flows described in the OAuth 2.0 standard.
const flow = client.startResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsFlow();
const token = await flow.getToken(new OAuth2.ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant('myUsername', 'myPassword'), ' scope.write'); // Scope is optional.
const flow = client.startClientCredentialsFlow();
const token = await flow.getToken(' scope.write'); // Scope is optional.
// Perform the "Refresh Token" OAuth 2.0 flow.
const flow = client.startRefreshTokenFlow();
const token = await flow.getToken(new OAuth2.RefreshTokenGrant('ey.myRefresh.token'), ' scope.write'); // Scope is optional.
Import the Bearer Token Usage extension.
import 'oauth2-client-ts/dist/extensions/bearer_token_usage';
You can then use the convenience functions on the TokenCredentials
// Returns key-value pairs for an authorized JSON HTTP request body.
// Returns key-value pairs for an HTTP request's query parameters.
// Returns key-value pairs for an HTTP Authorization header.
const token = OAuth2.TokenCredentials.fromAuthorizationHeader('Bearer ey.received.token');
Import the Token Introspection extension.
import 'oauth2-client-ts/dist/extensions/token_introspection';
When creating your OAuth 2.0 client, you can now specify the token introspection endpoint of the OAuth server.
const client = new OAuth2.Client({
introspectionEndpoint: '',
Finally, introspect access or refresh tokens using your client directly.
const result = await client.introspect(
// The credentials used to authorize the introspection request:
new OAuth2.TokenCredentials('my.authorization.token', 'Bearer'),