Boilerplates for Grunt preprocessing of SASS and JavaScript in development environments common for DPI.
- concat-sftp JavaScript concatenation to 1 file, with JavaScript validation and SFTP deployment.
- concat JavaScript concatenation to 1 file, with JavaScript validation.
- sass-concat-sftp SASS compilation to 1 file and JavaScript concatenation to 1 file, with JavaScript validation and SFTP deployment.
- sass-sftp SASS compilation to 1 file with SFTP deployment.
- sass-uglify-sftp SASS compilation to 1 file and JavaScript minification to 1 file, with JavaScript validation and SFTP deployment.
- sass-uglify SASS compilation to 1 file and JavaScript minification to 1 file, with JavaScript validation.
- sass SASS compilation to 1 file.
- uglify-sftp JavaScript minification to 1 file, with JavaScript validation and SFTP deployment.
- uglify JavaScript minification to 1 file, with JavaScript validation.
- Magento 1.9
- sass-concat-sftp SASS compilation to 1 file and JavaScript concatenation to 1 file, with JavaScript validation and SFTP deployment for Magento.
- WordPress
- sass-uglify SASS compilation to 1 file and JavaScript minification to 1 file, with JavaScript validation for WordPress.
Most Boilerplates can be installed with npm install
and run with grunt watch
through your OS CLI. Check the Boilerplate readme for usage details.
Always check the paths in the gruntfile.js
to make sure they have the right references. Keep the node_modules folder out of your VCS.
A Dutch presentation is available on Google Presentations.
NodeJS (npm) with Grunt CLI is required.