Website Name : Garden Maker.
Responsive MERN Stack project with firebase authentication, admin authentication, persistent login and dashboard functionality for customer and admin
Client have ability to request purches for Tourist Spot, check status of requested booking from client dashboard.
Both admin can update the client requested booking status from pending to on going to done, add new apartment/house with image, all the apartment details and add new admin.
Sign in is required to request booking for Spots or to view client dashboard with services status. 🎉 :fireworks
Logged in client will see a button named "Dashboard", where they can view the booking list they requested. 🎉 :fireworks
- React JS
- Firebase Authentication
- React Hook Form
- React Context API
- React Hook
- Firebase Hosting
- React Spinners
- Bootstrap
- FontAwesome
- Node JS
- Express JS
- Express file upload
- Mongodb
- Heroku
- Cors
- Dotenv
- nodemon
- etc