A subset (16 sequences) of EventSOT.
We use a DAVIS346 which can out put both event stream and intensity (APS) frames to capture raw data from real-world.
The user can download raw event data from Google Drive Eventdata. If you want to play the event data, please click here to download jaer-dist.zip
. After that, please open jAERViewer_win64.exe
, then select file/Open logged data file
to choose the raw event data. Here we show some examples of the event stream in the spatial-temporal space ( the events of object are marked in red).
The user can dawnload raw APS frames data from Google Drive APS. Here are some examples of APS frames.
As event streams are fundamentally different with natural images, existing SOT trackers cannot be directly applied to them. Thus, we choose two popular event representation methods , Surface of Active Events (SAE) and Natural Image Reconstruction (NIR).
We provide the code of SAE encode method sae.py
and Adaptive SAE method sae_ad.py
If you want use the encoding code,you can enter the following command:
python sae.py /path/to/aedat/file
python sae_ad.py /path/to/aedat/file
The user can dawnload SAE encoded frames data from Google Drive SAE. The Adaptive SAE encoded frames data can be downloaded from Google Drive AdaptiveSAE. Here are some examples of SAE encoded frames and the comparison between the Adaptive SAE encoded frames and SAE encoded frames.
For NIR method, please refer to rpg_e2vid.The user can dawnload NIR encoded frames data from Google Drive NIR. Here are some examples of NIR encoded frames.
For each sequence in EventSOT, we provide bounding box annotation, absent label and attributes labels.
The format of a bounding box is as [x, y, width, height]
The frames in which the tracking targets are out-of-view, fully occluded or under stop-go scenes are labeld with absent label ( When object is absent, set 1. Conversely, when object is visible, set 0).
Each event sequence in EventSOT is labeled with eight attributes, including occlusion (OCC), scale variation (SV), rotate (ROT), camera motion (CM), stop go (SG), fast motion (FM), high dynamic range (HDR) and background clutter (BC).
- The bounding box annotation for each event sequence is contained in the event frame folder (named groundtruth.txt) , you can also dawnload bounding box annotation from Google Drive bbox annoatation.
- The absent label can be found in Google Drive absent.
- The attributes label be found in Google Drive attribute.
This subeset of EventSOT is released under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE