OnenceWS Http client for official 1nce rest api
composer require pipinstallpip/onencews:dev-master
use pipinstallpip\onencews\OnenceWS;
$clientId = 'yourclientid';
$clientSecret = 'yoursecretkey';
$api = new OnenceWS($clientId,$clientSecret);
$response = $api->getSimsList(); //return all sims
- getSimsList
- getSimReachibility
- getSimUsage
- getSimRemainingData
- getSimRemainingSms
- getSmsList
- getSimInfo
- getSimStatus
- getSimEvents
- getSmsDetails
- sendSms
- resetSim
- changeSimState
- deleteSpecificSms
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.