This go module is a tiny wrapper around the streadway/amqp, the standard low level golang client for rabbitmq, the open source message broker.
abstracts away a few of the complexities of rabbitmq and exposes a slightly friendlier interface, intended for simple applications.
For details on all the functionality in this library, see the GoDoc documentation.
This project supports modules and Go 1.13+. Add msgr
to your own project the usual way -
go get
// Instantiate and connect to the server.
conf := &msgr.Config{
URI: "amqp://localhost:5672",
Channel: "queue_name",
producer = msgr.ConnectP(conf)
defer producer.Close()
// Send a message.
success := producer.Post([]byte("hi")])
if !success {
// Retry for all eternity.
log.Println("could not enqueue msg")
time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
goto Enqueue
// Instantiate and connect to the server.
conf := &msgr.Config{
URI: "amqp://localhost:5672",
Channel: "queue_name",
consumer = msgr.ConnectC(conf)
defer consumer.Close()
// Receive messages.
open, messages := s.Consumer.Accept()
if !open {
// Range over the messages chan.
for recv := range messages {
// Got one.
fmt.Println(string(recv.Body)) // prints 'hi'.
// Don't forget to acknowledge.
This modules is a work in progress and needs a lot of refinement. Please submit an issue if you need help!