SDP Compression Algorithm for WebRTC
This packages provides a modified implementation of the article SDP Compression Algorithm for WebRTC: ESDiPi by Adem Atalay and Doğaç Başaran, published in the International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 77-83, 2016. This implementation includes a hand-optimized prefix string not defined in the article, and also changed the fields sizes for the <offset,length> pairs to allow use bigger prefix strings at the cost of having shorter, more real-life alike copies lengths.
cat test/sdp/offer.sdp | ./server.js clean-sdp > test/sdp/offer.esdipi
cat test/sdp/offer.sdp | ./server.js compress lossy > test/sdp/offer.esdipi
cat test/sdp/offer.esdipi | ./server.js decompress > test/sdp/offer.sdp
./server.js prefix > test/sdp/offer.esdipi