We are scheduled for classes from 5:30-7:30pm on the Mondays and Thursdays of the following weeks:
Week | Monday | Thursday |
1 | June 11 | June 14 |
2 | June 18 | June 21 |
3 | June 25 | June 28 |
** No classes week of July 4th ** | ||
4 | July 9 | July 12 |
5 | July 16 | July 19 |
6 | July 23 | July 26 |
7 | July 30 | August 2 |
- Computer setup
- Application installs
- command line tools
- HTML/CSS basics
- Responsive web development
- basic navigation and tasks in Terminal
- using basic Git and GitHub workflows
- large PSD-to-semantic-markup-and-css projects
- pixel perfect work on any layout their given
- quality documentation and resources (MDN, Stackoverflow, etc.)
- SCSS syntax, Sass mixins, variable, and functions like darken and lighten.
- refactoring plain CSS into well-written SASS
By the end of this week students should understand:
- ES3/5/6/7
- 3: core
- 5: array/object methods
- 6: so many new things, syntax
- 7: async, observe, comprehensions
- to use: transpiler (compatibility), linter (safety), modules (reusability)
- MS TypeScript, FB Flow, Google SandScript??? (types, typechecking)
- CoffeeScript (moon orbit.. compiles to JS)
- Dart (comet orbit ... OOP, imperative)
- CLJS (functional, immutable, etc)
- basic JavaScript types, operators, statements, and expressions
- jQuery-less DOM traversal (getElementById, querySelectorAll, etc.)
- iteration in JS
- Array.prototype.map, Array.prototype.reduce, Array.prototype.filter, etc.
- Handlebars.js
By the end of this week students should understand:
- DOM-related jQuery
- Underscore as a fallback for native methods like:
- Underscore chaining
- datamining a large set of JSON objects using Underscore to find average prices, materials etc (generally done with data from Etsy.com)
- Gulp basics
- the basics of HTTP and AJAX
- non-DOM-related jQuery
- building a simple, polling-based chat application using GET and POST HTTP methods
- JS promises (jQuery-flavored)
By the end of this week students should understand:
- team-based workflow with Git/GitHub
- git rebase, git pull --rebase, git merge
- JS constructors and the new keyword
- this
- scope
- closures
- currying and partial application
By the end of this week students should understand:
- Backbone.Router
- hashbangs vs HTML5 Pushstate API
- Backbone.Model
- Backbone.Collection
- using Backbone's Model and Collection constructors to refactor a previous AJAX project
- basics of JavaScript unit testing
- Mocha and Chai
- Backbone.View
- Building a small JavaScript MVC "todo" app.
- Using REST APIs (with jsonp, CORS, or some other x-domain circumvention method)
By the end of this week students should understand:
- all aspects of Backbone.js
- reading and understanding the Backbone.js source code
- relational vs non-relational databases
- React
- React Router and Routes
- Using JavaScript libraries with React (e.g. Google Maps)
- Deploying with create-react-app
- building an HTTP proxy in node.js w/ Express