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File metadata and controls

287 lines (277 loc) · 24.4 KB

This guide contains instructions to upgrade from version v7.0.0-beta5 to v7.0.0-beta6.

Before you start, don't forget to take a look at general instructions about upgrading. There you can find links to upgrade notes for other versions too.

Note: instructions marked as "low priority" are not vital, however, we recommend to perform them as well during upgrading as it might ease your work in the future.


  • (low priority) in your docker/php-fpm/Dockerfile change base image to php:7.3-fpm-stretch (#694)
  • add subnet of your Kubernetes cluster as ENV variable into the config /project-base/kubernetes/deployments/smtp-server.yml for the pod of smtp container (#777)
    for instance:
    image: namshi/smtp:latest
    -   name: RELAY_NETWORKS
        value: :


  • (low priority) add a new phing target clean-redis to your build.xml and build-dev.xml and use it where you need to clean Redis cache. You can find an inspiration in #736
        <target name="clean-redis" description="Cleans up redis cache">
            <exec executable="${path.php.executable}" passthru="true" checkreturn="true" output="${dev.null}">
                <arg value="${path.bin-console}" />
                <arg value="shopsys:redis:clean-cache" />
  • (low priority) add a new script to scripts/ (#759)
    • this script serves as a fast way to install demo instance of Shopsys Framework.
    • also this script can be used if you change the configuration of docker or app, script will apply all the changes done in these files and rebuild images.
  • add a way to check if Redis is running (#815)
    • change version of snc/redis-bundle to ^2.1.8 in your composer.json and update dependencies with composer update
    • upgrade redis extension version in your DockerFile to version 4.1.1
    -       RUN pecl install redis-4.0.2 && \
    +       RUN pecl install redis-4.1.1 && \
    • add a new phing target redis-check to your build-dev.xml and use it before any call to Redis like clear-redis
      • You can find inspiration in #815
        <target name="redis-check" description="Checks availability of Redis">
            <exec executable="${path.php.executable}" passthru="true" checkreturn="true">
                <arg value="${path.bin-console}" />
                <arg value="shopsys:redis:check-availability" />
  • update PHPStan to the 0.11 version (#826)
    • change version of phpstan/phpstan to ^0.11 in your composer.json and update dependencies with composer update
    • add - '#Undefined variable: \$undefined#' as ignored error to phpstan.neon configuration file
    • you may need to change StdClass to stdClass in tests/ShopBundle/Functional/Component/Grid/Ordering/GridOrderingFacadeTest.php to pass PHPStan check

Database migrations

  • after running database migrations, all your countries across domains will be merged together and original names will be added as translations (#762)
    • all your countries have to have country code filled in
    • country not present on some domain will use country code as its name and will be disabled on that domain
    • please check Version20190121094400


  • use configuration file to define directories that needs to be created during build of the application (#781)
    • create new configuration file app/config/directories.yml with 2 types of directories public_directories and internal_directories and add this file into $configs array in AppKernel::getConfigs().
    • if you had implemented your individual directories in CreateApplicationDirectoriesCommand, delete your extension of a class and add the directories into app/config/directories.yml and fill them into sections, you can read more about sections here
  • if you were using oneup/flysystembundle for using different adapter than the local one, you must now implement FilesystemFactoryInterface and init the adapter by yourself (#730)
  • (low priority) delete dependency on oneup/flysystembundle from your composer.json (#730)
    • delete app/config/packages/oneup_flysystem.yml
  • remove usages of inherited OrderItem classes (#715)
    • replace usages of OrderProduct, OrderPayment, and OrderTransport with common OrderItem
      • use isType<type>() method instead of instanceof
    • replace usages of OrderTransportData, OrderPaymentData with common OrderItemData
    • replace usages of OrderProductFactoryInterface, OrderPaymentFactoryInterface and OrderTransportFactoryInterface with common OrderItemFactoryInterface
      • replace usages of OrderProductFactory, OrderPaymentFactory and OrderTransportFactory with OrderItemFactory
      • replace usages of method create() with createProduct(), createPayment() or createTransport(), respectively
    • replace usages of OrderPaymentDataFactoryInterface and OrderTransportDataFactoryInterface with common OrderItemDataFactoryInterface
      • replace usages of OrderPaymentDataFactory and OrderTransportDataFactory with common OrderItemDataFactory
      • replaces usages of method createFromOrderPayment() and createFromOrderTransport() with createFromOrderItem()
    • following classes changed constructors, if you extend them, change them appropriately:
      • Order
      • OrderDataFactory
      • OrderItemFacade
      • OrderFacade
    • (low priority) add an extension for OrderItemData and OrderItemDataFactory and register them in services.yml
    • remove non-existing test cases from EntityExtensionTest
      • remove ExtendedOrder* classes
      • remove calling doTestExtendedEntityInstantiation with classes that are removed
      • change ExtendedOrderItem to standard class - remove abstract and inheritance annotations
      • change doTestExtendedOrderItemsPersistence to test only OrderItem
      • please find inspiration in pull request
  • (low priority) allow support for multiple image sizes (#766)
    • implement action getAdditionalImageAction() in Front/ImageController.php (or copy it from ImageController.php)
    • add routes into your frontend router
            path: /%shopsys.content_dir_name%/images/{entityName}/{type}/{sizeName}/additional_{additionalIndex}_{imageId}.{extension}
            defaults: { _controller: ShopsysShopBundle:Front\Image:getAdditionalImage }
                imageId: \d+
                additionalIndex: \d+
            path: /%shopsys.content_dir_name%/images/{entityName}/{sizeName}/additional_{additionalIndex}_{imageId}.{extension}
                _controller: ShopsysShopBundle:Front\Image:getAdditionalImage
                type: ~
                imageId: \d+
                additionalIndex: \d+
  • Cart has been slightly refactored (#765), so change your usages appropriately:
    • property cartItems has been renamed to items
    • method getCartItemById has been renamed to getItemById
    • method getQuantifiedProductsIndexedByCartItemId has been renamed to getQuantifiedProductsIndexedByItemId
    • method findSimilarCartItemByCartItem has been renamed to findSimilarItemByItem
    • Cart is now entity, so change your usages appropriately:
      • properties user and cart_identifier were moved from CartItem to Cart
        • there are new methods getCartIdentifier, setModifeiedNow and setModifiedAt
      • added new property modifiedAt
      • method's addProduct first parameter CustomerIdentifier has been removed
      • method's mergeWithCart third parameter CustomerIdentifier has been removed
      • the implementation of methods addItem, removeItemyId, getItems, getItemsCount, changeQuantities, getQuantifiedProductsIndexedByItemId, mergeWithCart and findSimilarItemByItem has been changed so revise them if you extended them
    • CartFactory has been refactored, so change your usages appropriately:
      • methods get and createNewCart has been removed, use CartFacade's findCartOfCurrentCustomer, findCartByCustomerIdentifier, getCartOfCurrentCustomerCreateIfNotExists or getCartByCustomerIdentifierCreateIfNotExists instead
        • methods starting with find can return null
        • methods ending with CreateIfNotExists will always create new Cart in database, so use this methods only in case you are adding some items
      • method clearCache has been removed
      • attributes carts, cartItemRepository and cartWatcherFacade has been removed
    • CartFacade has been refactored, so change your usages appropriately:
      • it has four new methods for working with Cart
        • methods findCartOfCurrentCustomer and findCartByCustomerIdentifier will return Cart if it contains at least one CartItem or null if it is empty
        • methods getCartOfCurrentCustomerCreateIfNotExists and getCartByCustomerIdentifierIfNotExists will return Cart if it contains at least one CartItem or create one if it does not
        • instead getCartOfCurrentCustomer use getCartOfCurrentCustomerCreateIfNotExists
      • set default locale for test environment, add a app/config/packages/test/prezent_doctrine_translatable.yml with content
            fallback_locale: en
      • the implementation of methods addProductToCart, changeQuantities, deleteCartItem, getQuantifiedProductsOfCurrentCustomerIndexedByCartItemId and deleteOldCarts has been changed so revise them if you extended them
      • method cleanCart has been removed, use method deleteCart instead
    • CartMigrationFacade has been refactored, so change your usages appropriately:
      • the constructor has changed
      • implementation of methods mergeCurrentCartWithCart and onKernelController has been changed, so revise them if you extended them
    • CartItemRepository class has been removed and all its logic has been moved to new CartRepository
    • CartItemFactory::create and CartItemFactoryInterface::create methods has changed, its first parameter is no longer CustomerIdentifier but Cart
    • In twig templates (e.g. Front/Content/Cart/index.html.twig and Front/Inline/Cart/cartBox.html.twig), use cart is not null instead of cart.itemsCount > 0 and cart.isEmpty
    • You would probably need to modify your tests as well, because of changes in Cart. You would need to revise the following classes:
      • Unit/Model/Cart/CartFactoryTest.php has been removed
      • Unit/Model/Cart/CartTest.php has been changed
      • Functional/Model/Cart/CartFacadeDeleteOldCartsTest.php has been changed
      • Functional/Model/Cart/CartFacadeTest.php has been changed
      • Functional/Model/Cart/CartItemTest.php has been changed
      • Functional/Model/Cart/CartTest.php has been changed
      • Functional/Model/Cart/Watcher/CartWatcherTest.php has been changed
      • Functional/Model/Order/OrderFacadeTest.php has been changed
  • (low priority) upgrade npm packages to the latest version (#755)
    • remove all npm packages by removing folder project-base/node_modules and project-base/package-lock.json
    • run command php phing npm
    • in order to pass standards tests you also need to run php phing eslint-fix to let ESlint npm package update your JavaScript files. After that your syntax should be updated to latest JavaScript standards checked by ESLint.
      • there could be error about no-self-assign for document.location in src/Shopsys/ShopBundle/Resources/scripts/frontend/promoCode.js and it could be solved by replacing document.location = document.location with document.location.reload() (#809)
  • unify countries across domains with translations and domain dependency (#762)
    • fix new entity Country creation (either using factory or directly) as it changed its constructor and CountryFactory::create method signature (removed argument domainId)
      • do not forget to fix PersonalDataExportXmlTest
    • adjust usages of CountryFacade
      • method create no longer has second argument domainId
      • remove usages of methods getAllByDomainId and getAllOnCurrentDomain as they were deleted
        • use new methods getAllEnabledOnDomain and getAllEnabledOnCurrentDomain (methods returns only enabled countries)
        • change usages in BillingAddressFormType, DeliveryAddressFormType and PersonalInfoFormType in your implementation
        • fix CountryFacade mock in PersonalInfoFormTypeTest – mock method getAllEnabledOnDomain instead of getAllByDomainId
        • if you use Country::getName() in your code, fix all the usages of the method as it now needs proper locale as an argument
    • change usages of property name in CountryData to array because it is now localized
    • remove usages of method CountryRepository::getAllByDomainId – use CountryRepository::getAllEnabledByDomainIdWithLocale instead
    • if you have extended CountryDataFactory revise your changes as countries are now localized and domain dependent
    • adjust data fixtures, if you have your own
      • remove MultiDomainCountryDataFixture as it does not make sense now and change dependency from MultiDomainCountryDataFixture to CountryDataFixture (in MultiDomainOrderDataFixture, MultiDomainUserDataFixture, OrderDataFixture and UserDataFixture)
      • in MultiDomainOrderDataFixture, MultiDomainUserDataFixture, OrderDataFixture, UserDataFixture change obtaining reference to country from getReferenceForDomain to getReference (without domain)
    • class CountryInlineEdit (inline editable country grid) is no longer available, remove usages in favor of CountryGridFactory
    • if you have extended CountryGridFactory, revise your changes because class changed its namespace
    • if you have extended CountryFormType, revise your changes – new fields are available
    • if you have extended CountryController revise your changes – new and edit actions were added
    • rename CountryDataFixture::COUNTRY_CZECH_REPUBLIC_1 constant to CountryDataFixture::COUNTRY_CZECH_REPUBLIC
  • if you have extended Localization class, you have to add type-hints to extended methods because they were added in the parent class (#806)
    • if you have extended method Localization::getAdminLocale() only to have administration in a different language than english, you can delete it and set parameter shopsys.admin_locale in your parameters_common.yml file instead
  • fixed JS validation of forms in popup windows (#782)
    • login form in popup is now loaded via AJAX
    • in window.js add options textHeading = '' and cssClassHeading: '' to var defaults like this:
          var defaults = {
              content: '',
              buttonClose: true,
              buttonCancel: false,
              buttonContinue: false,
              textContinue: Shopsys.translator.trans('Yes'),
              textCancel: Shopsys.translator.trans('No'),
      +       textHeading: '',
              urlContinue: '#',
              cssClass: 'window-popup--standard',
              cssClassContinue: '',
              cssClassCancel: '',
      +       cssClassHeading: '',
              closeOnBgClick: true,
              eventClose: function () {},
              eventContinue: function () {},
              eventCancel: function () {},
              eventOnLoad: function () {}
      • then add the heading to $windowContent and add div with js-validation-errors class to every popup.:
      -   var $windowContent = $('<div class="js-window-content window-popup__in"></div>').html(options.content);
      +   var $windowContent = $('<div class="js-window-content window-popup__in"></div>');
      +   if (options.textHeading !== '') {
      +       $windowContent.append('<h2 class="' + options.cssClassHeading + '">' + options.textHeading + '</h2>');
      +   }
      +   $windowContent.append(
      +       '<div class="display-none in-message in-message--alert js-window-validation-errors"></div>'
      +       + options.content
      +   );
    • (low priority) change login form so it is loaded by AJAX and works with JS validation and change Login/windowForm.html.twig, Login/loginForm.html.twig and header.html.twig templates
      • you can change it as it was done in this commit
  • if you have extended classes from Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model, Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component or Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\DataFixtures\Demo namespace (#788)
    • you need to adjust extended methods and fields to protected visibility because all private visibilities from these namespaces were changed to protected
    • you can delete methods that you just copied due to inability to inherit
  • microservices has been removed and their functionality has been moved to framework (#793):
    • classes from microservices has been moved to Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Product\Search namespace
    • definitions of indexes has been moved to project folder src/Shopsys/ShopBundle/Resources/definition, copy them to your project as well
      • add shopsys.elasticsearch.structure_dir: '%shopsys.resources_dir%/definition/' to your paths.yml config file
    • Symfony commands for Elasticsearch management has changed their namespace from shopsys:microservice:product-search to shopsys:product-search
      • update your build.xml and build-dev.xml to reflect this change
      • if you have extended those command in your project, update their class and file names and $defaultName property appropriately
    • StructureManager has been moved to packages/framework/src/Component/Elasticsearch and renamed to ElasticsearchStructureManager update your code if you extended or used it
      • its methods getIndexName, createIndex, deleteIndex and getDefinition now accept second mandatory parameter index update your code if you are using them
        • this parameter is for distinguishing different use cases like Product search
    • this classes has been moved, update your code if you extended them or used them in your code:
      • ProductSearchExportFacade has been moved from Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Product\ProductSearchExport to Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Product\Search\Export
      • ProductSearchExportRepository has been moved from Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Product\ProductSearchExport to Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Product\Search\Export
      • ProductSearchExportCronModule has been moved from Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Product\ProductSearchExport to Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Product\Search\Export
    • Phing target microservices-check has been removed because it is no longer necessary
      • update your build-dev.xml to reflect this change
    • Phing targets starting with microservice has this prefix removed e.g. microservice-product-search-create-structure has been renamed to product-search-create-structure
      • update your build.xml,build-dev.xml and kubernetes/deployments/webserver-php-fpm.yml to reflect this change
    • run composer install so you will be prompted to set value for new parameter elasticsearch_host
    • remove all microservice Docker services and volumes from your docker-compose and docker-sync files
    • update your php-fpm/Dockerfile to include default ENV variable ELASTIC_SEARCH_INDEX_PREFIX or set this environment while building php-fpm image
    • if you are using Kubernetes with our prepared scripts remove all rows including word microservice from all scripts in .ci folder
      • only exception is and line starting kubectl exec where you remove microservices- prefix in names of Phing targets
    • remove microservices from kubernetes deployments and services folders and update kubernetes/kustomize/base/kustomization.yaml appropriately
    • ProductSearchExportRepositoryTest move from Tests\ShopBundle\Functional\Model\Product\ProductSearchExport to Tests\ShopBundle\Functional\Model\Product\Search
    • in production you will need to run product-search-recreate-structure Phing target while next build to create indexes again with new name
  • warm up the production cache before generating error pages (#816)
    • in build.xml, create a new phing target prod-warmup:
    <target name="prod-warmup" description="Warms up cache for production environment.">
        <exec executable="${path.php.executable}" passthru="true" checkreturn="true">
            <arg value="${path.bin-console}" />
            <arg value="cache:warmup" />
            <arg value="--env=prod" />
    • add a dependency on this target to error-pages-generate:
    - <target name="error-pages-generate" description="...">
    + <target name="error-pages-generate" depends="prod-warmup" description="...">
  • if you have extended any of following factories, provide Domain object to parent constructor (#787)
    • AvailabilityDataFactory
    • FlagDataFactory
    • OrderStatusDataFactory
    • ParameterDataFactory
    • UnitDataFactory
  • (low priority) if you want to test the flow of promo code in cart page, implement new acceptance tests (#825)
    • Tests\ShopBundle\Acceptance\acceptance\CartCest
    • Tests\ShopBundle\Acceptance\acceptance\PageObject\Front\CartPage
    • src/Shopsys/ShopBundle/Resources/views/Front/Content/Order/PromoCode/index.html.twig
  • if you have extended class HeurekaCategoryDownloader or HeurekaCategoryCronModule (#788)
    • you need to adjust already extended methods and fields to protected visibility because all private visibilities from these namespaces were changed to protected
    • you can delete methods that you just copied due to inability to inherit