Platform with Commands .NET microservices architecture whereby a Platform has several Commands to be ran on.
Platform service to register and track assets/platforms of a company. Eg: Docker
, Kubernetes
, DotNet
Commands service to serve as command arguments repository for given Platform to aid automation of support processes.
Eg: - Commands for Docker platform includes: docker build
, docker start
, docker images
. - Commands for Kubernetes platform includes: kubectl get nodes
, kubectl apply
, kubectl get pods
. Similarly, - Commands for DotNet platform includes: dotnet build
, dotnet run
Platform and Command services commununicate synchronously (using HTTP & gRPC) and asynchronously (using Message Bus), publishing services to Docker Hub, deploying them to Kubernetes Cluster, and uses Clean Architecture implementation.
- Dotnet Core 6.0
- Asp.Net Web API
- InMemoryDB
- Entity Framework Core
- AutoMapper
- RabbitMQ
- gRPC
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Minikube
- Docker Desktop
- SwaggerUI / Insomia
- Command and Platform services accessible via endpoints
- Services communicates synchronously using HTTP Client
- Services communicates synchronously using gRPC Protobuf
- Services communicates asynchronously using Mqtt MessageBus
- Services publish to Docker and accessible via Docker containers
- Services deploy into K8S Clusters using
and accessible locally via K8S Clusters using Minikube
- Spin Docker Desktop
- Start Minikube to setup K8S cluster,
$ minikube start
- Apply rabbitmq and other deployment pods,
$ kubectl apply -f <DEPL_FILE>
- Spin Minikube service tunnel for RabbitMq service and reconfigure ports in services,
$ minikube service rabbitmq-loadbalancer --url
- Run services,
$ dotnet run <SERVICE_PROJECT>
NB: Access services in K8S Cluster through Minikube service tunnels