This executable provides a funcon term interpreter for all funcons in Funcons-beta and Unstable-Funcons-beta
To install:
cabal build
cabal install
To install:
cabal build
cabal install
To test, run:
Available commands:
:environment :env show the active bindings from identifiers to values
:store :sto show the store with assignments to references
:mutable :mut <ENT> show the mutable entity with name <ENT>
:session displays the explored traces in the form of a tree
with nodes labelled by state identifiers
:revert <INT> revert to the state with id <INT>
:debug <FCT> start step-by-step execution of funcon term <FCT>
:step perform the next step in a step-by-step execution
:finish perform all remaining steps of a step-by-step execution
:help :h show these commands
:quit :q end the exploration
or just type a funcon term
#1 >
and produce the following interaction:
#1> bind("input", read)
> "Hello world"
{ "input" |-> "Hello world" }
#2> string-append(bound("input"),"!")
{ "it" |-> "Hello world!" }
#3> print(bound("it"),"\n")
Hello world!
to take advantage of the non-determinism features, use the --non-deterministic flag with all or a subset of the given sources of non-determinism
funcons-repl --non-deterministic value-operations,rules,pattern-matching,interleaving-of-args
to (possibly) see the following interaction (in this caused by the value-operations
#1 > some-element {1,2,3}
{"it" |-> 1}
#2 > some-element {1,2,3}
{"it" |-> 2}
#3 > some-element {1,2,3}
{"it" |-> 1}
#4 > some-element {1,2,3}
{"it" |-> 3}