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High Level Cryptographic Tools and Full JOSE Spec Implementation in Python


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Webcrypt is a collection of Python3 tools and constructs that aim to simplify the implementation of all sorts of high-level cryptographic functionality commonly needed in the development of modern, distributed, and security-focused web applications.

At its core, Webcrypt relies entirely and only on the Python Library cryptography for all cryptographic operations, and acts as a thin wrapper around this library's primitives to provide a high level API that is easier to use in the context of business software development.

This project borrows ideas from, and is inspired by other Python libraries including:

  • pycryptodome
  • python-jose

pip install "git+"

Project Goals

  • Provide all the essential cryptographic tools:
    • That can be used directly: encryption/decryption, signing/verification
    • upon which higher level business protocols can be established (for example, nesting of JWTs)
  • Implement most of the essential aspects of JOSE spec to maximize interoperability with other frameworks
  • optimize for Production use:
    • Focusing on Performance (by caching and reusing validated cryptographic constructs as much as possible)
    • Focusing on Security (apply thorough validation steps when handling external signatures and other external entities)
  • Promote secure practices:
    • wherever applicable, rejecting algorithms of insufficient strengths or known vulnerabilities
    • Defaults to algorithms / key lengths that are reasonably secure and reasonably fast
    • Make it easier to create new keys, and retire old ones

Current Features

  • Support for most of the JWS signature algorithms:

    • All HMAC algorithms: HS256, HS384, HS512
    • All RSA algorithms: RS256, RS384, RS512 and PS256, PS384, PS512
    • All Elliptic Curve Algorithms: ES256, ES384, ES512
    • Leaving out only none algorithm for JWT signatures
  • Support for all the JWE Encryption and Key Wrapping Algorithms

    • All content encryption algorithms: A128GCM, A192GCM, A256GCM, A128CBC-HS256, A192CBC-HS384, A256CBC-HS512
    • direct dir encryption using any of the Encryption Algorithms defined by the standard
    • AES key wrapping of a newly, randomly Generated CEK: A128KW, A192KW and A256KW
    • AES-GCM encryption of a newly, randomly generated CEK: A128GCMKW, A192GCMKW and A256GCMKW
    • Password-Based Encryption algorithms: PBES2-HS256+A128KW, PBES2-HS384+A192KW, PBES2-HS512+A256KW
    • RSA key wrapping of CEKs: RSA1_5, RSA-OAEP and RSA-OAEP-256
    • ECDH-ES key derivation for direct use, or wrapping of a CEK: ECDH-ES, ECDH-ES+A128KW, ECDH-ES+A192KW, ECDH-ES+A256KW
  • Simple API to export and import key sets (JWKS), and public JWKS from Private JWKS

  • Using Pydantic to validate, serialize and deserialize JWT Tokens


JWS Signing and Verification

Default Creation and usage of JWS Signing Objects

Sign and retrieve byte payloads to and from unicode JWTs. The verify method will raise many kinds of TokenException if the JWT is fabricated, corrupted or tampered with in any way

from webcrypt.jws import JWS

# Creates a new signing key with algorithm ES256 by default - it is fast, and can be verified by clients
signer = JWS()

payload = b'Byte Data to be signed and verified'

token: str = signer.sign(payload)

# will produce something like this
# RGF0YSB0byBiZSBzaWduZWQgYW5kIHZlcmlmaWVk.tvQcT6S33H9auuGqNyYm_VHsA8I0Bw6NaLGi6plJCwmnr9oKXS78lZYI
# 9ndlju6dnNXdP3nCAxZuyR9I0vxS-A

decoded_payload = signer.verify(token)

assert payload == decoded_payload

Creation and usage of other JWS algorithms

The Algorithm Enum in the JWS class contains all Algorithms defined by the JOSE spec. The following is an example of newly created signature keys:

  • All newly created RSA keys are 2048 bits (minimal recommended, and faster than 3072 and 4096 bit key sizes)
  • All newly created HMAC and EC keys match the length of the Hashing Algorithm used
from webcrypt.jws import JWS

k1 = JWS(JWS.Algorithm.RS512) # new RSA 2048 bit key with SHA512 hashing and PKCS1v15 Padding
k2 = JWS(JWS.Algorithm.PS384) # new RSA 2048 bit with SHA384 hashing and PSS Padding
k3 = JWS(JWS.Algorithm.HS256) # new HMAC signing key with SHA256 Hashing
k4 = JWS(JWS.Algorithm.ES512) # new Elliptic Curve P-521 (SECP521R1) key, with SHA512 Hashing

Loading Existing Keys

JWS Signing keys can be loaded from existing keys in various formats:

  • PEM formats
  • cryptography key objects
  • JWK (JSON Web Key) JSON Format
From PEM
from webcrypt.jws import JWS

# This is a P-256 Curve EC key
privkey_pem = """-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----

# Since this is a P-256 curve key, a The JWS Algorithm ES256 MUST be used, as per the JOSE spec
# This key can sign, and verify
ec_jws = JWS.from_pem(privkey_pem,algorithm=JWS.Algorithm.ES256)

# this is a 3072 RSA Public Key - can only verify JWTs, but cannot be used to sign
pubkey_pem="""-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

# all JWS RSA Algorithms are applicable with this (or any other) RSA keys (of size 2048 bits or larger)
rsa_verifier = JWS.from_pem(pubkey_pem,JWS.Algorithm.PS512)

# based on the above parameters, this key can verify signatures by the corresponding Private Key
# With the specified PS512 JWS Algorithm
From cryptography objects
from webcrypt.jws import JWS
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa

# assuming this is an existing 4096 bit RSA Private key
privkey = rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=65537,key_size=1024*4)

# The corresponding Public key to be shared with partners, clients and other third parties
pubkey = privkey.public_key()

data = b'Some data to be signed and verified'

# Uses SHA384 and PKCS1v15 Padding. Can be used to sign and verify
priv_jwk = JWS(algorithm=JWS.Algorithm.RS384, key_obj=privkey)

token = priv_jwk.sign(data)

# Somewhere else, construct the JWS object with the public key, and the agreed upon algorithm

# cannot sign, but can verify signatures
pub_jwk = JWS(algorithm=JWS.Algorithm.RS384,key_obj=pubkey)

signed_data = pub_jwk.verify(token)
assert signed_data == data
Exporting and Importing JWK JSON objects

This is the preferred and easiest method to store, and restore JWK objects, since it includes the private and/or the public key components, as well as the algorithm and the intended usage of the key

  "use": "sig",
  "kid": "23b5973e-7257-4fbc-944b-3f79e01da799",
  "kty": "EC",
  "alg": "ES384",
  "key_ops": [
  "crv": "P-384",
  "x": "xcICJQvPvomxkue8ZOE9AsKSSlGwYhEOBpscwdpiFK4jzkh2zGvaq1Ek5wY1BkxU",
  "y": "Q6VVuYPTlVvZLZYTbtOoxfNUD3kqJs4ZEqQ6mt5cxfOHCc0mGqrGGcnhAZ95YKZ0",
  "d": "mhKUB-5-leY-XBciNcSRFDEeUJuA4h6rzwaDoxyCeNkTLtauElWoWsRvN8Xu9rIh"

from webcrypt.jws import JWS
import json

# can sign and verify
signer = JWS.from_jwk(json.loads(privkey_jwk))

# export public components
public_jwk = signer.public_jwk()

# which looks something like this:
pubkey_jwk = """{
  "use": "sig",
  "kid": "23b5973e-7257-4fbc-944b-3f79e01da799",
  "kty": "EC",
  "alg": "ES384",
  "key_ops": [
  "crv": "P-384",
  "x": "xcICJQvPvomxkue8ZOE9AsKSSlGwYhEOBpscwdpiFK4jzkh2zGvaq1Ek5wY1BkxU",
  "y": "Q6VVuYPTlVvZLZYTbtOoxfNUD3kqJs4ZEqQ6mt5cxfOHCc0mGqrGGcnhAZ95YKZ0"

# can verify, but cannot sign
verifier = JWS.from_jwk(json.loads(pubkey_jwk))

JWE Key Wrapping and Encryption

Most JWE Algorithm involve using a private key to directly encrypt, or to wrap a newly created CEK (Content Encryption Key)

JWE private AES keys for direct dir encryption:

from webcrypt.jwe import JWE
import json

# generate a new 192-bit key used directly in content Encryption
jwk1 = JWE(algorithm=JWE.Algorithm.DIR, encryption=JWE.Encryption.A192GCM)

# generate a new 256-bit key used directly in content Encryption + HMAC Authentication
jwk2 = JWE(algorithm=JWE.Algorithm.DIR, encryption=JWE.Encryption.A128CBC_HS256)

# export jwk1:

# will look like this:
privkey = """{
    "use": "enc",
    "kid": "be29da9a-3a89-4839-a664-68de669f145a",
    "kty": "oct",
    "alg": "dir",
    "enc": "A128GCM",
    "key_ops": [
    "k": "L35wm0tFTg12nKcZviyv1Q"

jwk_reloaded = JWE.from_jwk(json.loads(privkey))

data = b'Some byte data to be encrypted then decrypted'

token = jwk_reloaded.encrypt(data,compress=True) # option to compress the data

data_decrypted = jwk_reloaded.decrypt(token)

assert data_decrypted == data

JWE Key-wrapping Algorithms:

from webcrypt.jwe import JWE
import json

# Generate a 192-bit private key to wrap a 256-bit CEK for encrypting and decrypting data
jwk1 = JWE(algorithm=JWE.Algorithm.A192KW, encryption=JWE.Encryption.A256GCM)

# Generate a 256-bit private key to encrypt and wrap a 512-bit key for Encryption + Authentication
jwk2 = JWE(algorithm=JWE.Algorithm.A256GCMKW, encryption=JWE.Encryption.A256CBC_HS512)

# Generate a 128-bit private key to wrap a 192-bit CEK for encrypting and decrypting data
jwk3 = JWE(algorithm=JWE.Algorithm.A128KW, encryption=JWE.Encryption.A192GCM)


# will produce something like this:

jwk_json = """{
    "use": "enc",
    "kid": "f47a54c3-85d8-46b8-a9cb-8a1b5f47eddb",
    "kty": "oct",
    "alg": "A256GCMKW",
    "enc": "A256CBC-HS512",
    "key_ops": [
    "k": "dkcM5Fnj7oYN4r4NGs7RMVxSX1jcT9gwvoRgxXJ4um8"


# which can later be reloaded for encryption / decryption operations
jwe_key = JWE.from_jwk(json.loads(jwk_json))

JWE RSA Key-wrapping Algorithms

from webcrypt.jwe import JWE

# Examples of all RSA Algorithms, with different CEK sizes

jwe1 = JWE(algorithm=JWE.Algorithm.RSA_OAEP_256, encryption=JWE.Encryption.A192GCM)
jwe2 = JWE(algorithm=JWE.Algorithm.RSA_OAEP, encryption=JWE.Encryption.A128CBC_HS256)
jwe3 = JWE(algorithm=JWE.Algorithm.RSA1_5, encryption=JWE.Encryption.A256GCM)

# Load a Public JWE key from the JWK of a private one
pub_jwe = JWE.from_jwk(jwe1.public_jwk())

data = b'Byte data to be encrypted and decrypted'

# encrypt data, and wrap the CEK
token = pub_jwe.encrypt(data)

# Raises an Error, a public key cannot decrypt the CEK!

# only the corresponding private key can unwrap the CEK and decrypt the data
data_decrypted = jwe1.decrypt(token)

assert data_decrypted == data

JWE PBE (Passphrase based Encryption) Algorithms

from webcrypt.jwe import JWE
import json

# Generate a 192-bit private key to wrap a 384-bit key for Authentication + Encryption
jwk = JWE(algorithm=JWE.Algorithm.PBES2_HS384_A192KW,
          key="I love python")

data = b'Some secret data'

token = jwk.encrypt(data)

print(json.dumps(JWE.decode_header(token), indent=4))

# the Token header will look something like this, including the alg, enc and
# the PBE salt and iteration count (p2s and p2c)
    "alg": "PBES2-HS384+A192KW",
    "enc": "A256GCM",
    "kid": "08842033-5f83-477b-9be3-c91ab6e7635c",
    "p2s": "7jByuyCgOWc4aEfkoAJ0VQ",
    "p2c": 1644