SDK to implement new remote configuration providers
In production, it is not always easy to manage the configuration files of a Play Framework application, especially when it running on multiple servers. The purpose of this project is to provide a simple way to use a remote configuration with a Play Framework application.
The implementation of a new provider is very simple. Just use this SDK and
create a class implementing the interface Provider
public class MyCustomProvider extends AbstractProvider {
public String getName() {
return "My Custom Provider";
public String getVersion() {
throw new NotImplementedException();
public String getConfigurationObjectName() {
return "custom-provider";
public void loadData(final Config config,
final Consumer<KeyValueCfgObject> kvObjConsumer,
final Consumer<FileCfgObject> fileObjConsumer) throws ConfigException, RemoteConfException {
throw new NotImplementedException();
This project is released under terms of the MIT license.