Plone Mockup is an ongoing effort to modernize Plone's javascript story. Check out examples and documentation at
- Standardize configuration of patterns implemented in js to use HTML data attributes, so they can be developed without running a backend server.
- Use modern AMD approach to declaring dependencies on other js libs.
- Full unit testing of js
Install Node version 0.10 or greater
Install PhantomJS
Download and install PhantomJS
Maybe use your package manager:
$ apt-get install phantomjs
Now git clone & build Mockup:
$ git clone $ cd mockup $ make bootstrap
Run tests with PhantomJS:
$ make test
Run tests with Chrome:
$ make test-dev
Generate widgets pot file for plone translations:
$ make i18n-dump
The BSD 3-Clause License. Copyrights hold the Plone Foundation. See LICENSE.rst for details.
Originally created by Rok Garbas using parts of Patterns library. Now maintained by the Plone Foundation.