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=== CP4WP - Manage cPanel® Emails, FTP Accounts, Databases and Statistics from WordPress ✌ ===
Contributors: stefanpejcic, pluginsclub
Donate link:
Tags: cpanel, cpanel wordpress, cp4wp, hosting, email account, mysql database 
Requires at least: 5.8
Tested up to: 6.2
Stable tag: 1.0
Requires PHP: 7.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

== Description ==

Manage cPanel Emails, FTP Accounts, Databases and Statistics from WordPress ✌

Simply add your cPanel username and password (optionally a hostname) and save time by managing cPanel right from your WordPress Admin Dashboard.

TODO: Use cPanel® API KEY for authentification instead of passwords.

This plugin adds 7 admin pages:

- Email Accounts
- MySQL Databases
- PostgreSQL Databases
- FTP Accounts
- Domain Names
- Resources Usage
- Bandwidth

and 2 wp-admin dashboard widgets:

- cPanel Overview Widget: Displays current Disk Usage and Inode Usages, displays gauges with current CPU, RAM and I/O usage
- cPanel Server Widget: Displays current Memory Usage, SWAP and all server Disk Partitions Usage percentage


Currently you can:

= 📧 Email Accounts =

*	View a list of all email accounts for all domains.
*	Add a new email account to any domain.
*	Login to Webmail for any email account.
*	Reset password for email accounts.
*	Change Quota for email accounts.
*	View email accounts usage.
*	Search email accounts.
*	Delete multiple email accounts.

= 🌐 Domains =

*	View all Addon Domains, Subdomains and Parked (Alias) domains
*	DNS Lookup: Check A, AAAA and MX records for domains
*	View DNS Zone for every domain name

= 🗄️ MySQL =

*	View a list of all MySQL databases and their assigned users
*	Login to PHPMyAdmin
*	Add a new MySQL database
*	Add a new MySQL user
*	Assign a MySQL user to Database
*	Remove a MySQL user from Database
*	Search Databases

= 🗄️ PostgreSQL =

*	View a list of all PostgreSQL databases and their assigned users
*	Login to PHPPgAdmin
*	Add a new PostgreSQL database
*	Add a new PostgreSQL user
*	Assign a PostgreSQL user to Database
*	Remove a PostgreSQL user from Database
*	Search Databases

= 📁 FTP =

*	View a list of all FTP users
*	Add a new FTP user
*	Change Directory Path for accounts
*	Change account Quota
*	Reset Passwords
*	Search FTP accounts
*	Delete FTP users

= 📈 Resource usage =

*	View hosting plan limits: Disk Usage, Inodes Usage, Bandwidth, MySQL® Disk Usage, PostgreSQL Disk Usage
*	Current Email usage: Email Accounts, Mailing Lists, Autoresponders, Forwarders, Email Filters
*	Current Resource usage: CPU Usage, Entry Processes, Physical Memory Usage, IOPS, I/O Usage, Number of Processes
*	Other: Domains, FTP Accounts, MySQL® Databases, PostgreSQL Databases 

= 🚨 Login History =

*	View up to last 20 successful cPanel logins (IP Address and login time)
*	(optionally) add AbuseIPDB API KEY andreceive email alerts when IP with bad reputation logs in

= 📊 Bandwidth usage =

*	View Bandwidth usgae for each domain

For more free WordPress plugins please visit ♣️ [](

== Installation ==

1. Upload the plugin file to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

For basic usage, you can also have a look at the [plugin web site](

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How to use this plugin? =

Add cPanel® Username nad Password in the settings field.

= How to enable/disable some features? =

Every feature can be enabled/disabled from the settings page:

- Admin Dashboard Widgets
- Email Accounts
- MySQL Databases
- PostgreSQL Databases
- FTP Accounts
- Domain Names
- Resources Usage
- Bandwidth

= I have an idea on how to improve this plugin! =

Please send all your suggestions and ideas to our [email address]( and they may be developed and included in the plugin in future. 

== Upgrade Notice ==

This is a new version 1.0

== Screenshots ==

1. Settins Page
2. Widgets

== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =

* Initial release