This module allows communcation between Message brokers such as ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ Apache Apollo.
First deploy the module:
eb = vertx.eventBus()
container.deployModule('com.jetdrone~mod-stomp-io~1.1.2', [address: 'my-address'], 1)
The config json accepts the following optional parameters:
- "host" default: "localhost"
- "port" default 61613
- "login" default null
- "passcode" default: null
Second send/receive messages:
eb.send(address, [command: "send", destination: "/queue/FOO.BAR", body: "Hello, queue FOO.BAR"]) { reply ->
if (reply.body.status == 'OK') {
// ...
// sync messages (wait for ACK)
eb.send(address, [command: "send", destination: "/queue/FOO.BAR", body: "Hello, queue FOO.BAR", sync: true]) { reply ->
if (reply.body.status == 'OK') {
// ...
Work pub/sub mode:
// register a handler for the incoming message
eb.registerHandler("${address}/queue/unsub", new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() {
void handle(Message<JsonObject> received) {
def value = received.body.getField('value')
eb.send(address, [command: "send", destination: "/queue/unsub", body: "Hello, queue unsub"]) { reply0 ->
stomp([command: "subscribe", destination: "/queue/unsub"]) { reply1 ->
def id = reply1.body.getString("id")
// sleep 1 second to avoid receiving any old intransit messages
vertx.setTimer(1000, new Handler<Long>() {
public void handle(Long event) {
stomp([command: "unsubscribe", id: id]) { reply2 ->