The following notes are for running the SWAT-MRMT-R model on PNNL's constance supercomputer.
Notes for source codes:
- SWAT originiated from revision 664
- PFLOTRAN originated from hash bc0bb2d
- petsc hash 1a9d3c3 is needed to compile PFLOTRAN and SWAT
To generate an excutable:
Install petsc git clone petsc cd petsc git checkout 1a9d3c3
module purge module load precision/i4 module load intel module load openmpi module load mkl module load gcc/4.8.2 module load cmake
export PETSC_DIR=
export PETSC_ARCH=contance_intel15_O./config/
--with-debugging=0make PETSC_DIR=$PETSC_DIR PETSC_ARCH=$PETSC_ARCH all
Download swatmrmtr
Compile PFLOTRAN to create library libpflotranchem.a cd swatmrmtr/pflotran/src/pflotran make pflotran_rxn
Compile SWAT-MRMT-R cd swatmrmtr/SWAT-MRMT-R make swatmrmtr.e
To run the model: swat.e
Apart from the input files for the native swat model, four more files are required to run swatmrmtr.e:
- Input file for the reaction parameters. Default file name:
- Input file for user defined database.
- Input file for hyporheic exchange flow rates and residence times. Default file name: nxs2swat.txt.
- Initial chemical composition in the hyporheic zones. Default file name: hz_init_conc.dat
The definition of parameters related to multirate mass transfer and hyporheic biological reactions can be found in function CyberRead in pflotran/src/pflotran/reaction_sandbox_pnnl_cyber_mrmt.F90. Note: reactions in reaction_sandbox_pnnl_cyber_mrmt.F90 only assume two-step reactions for denitrification and an aerobic respiration reaction. Otherwise, the code has to be modified following steps documented in
Disclaimer SWAT-MRMT-R is an open-source software distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation either version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.