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Set release agent

Victor Baranov edited this page Feb 2, 2018 · 11 revisions

What are we doing:

Sets last finalizeAgent contract address as a release agent of token contract.

When should we do it:

You need to do this, if releaseAgent property of the token contract is empty.

Set release agent from MyEtherWallet

  1. Go to

  2. Choose the network. For example, (ETH), if your contract is in mainnet.

  1. Attach to your token contract: token contract address and its ABI are taken from the file downloaded at step 4 of Token Wizard.

    • ABI of the contract is below the line ****Token contract ABI:****

    Then click Access button.

  1. In Select a function combo choose setReleaseAgent method

  1. In How would you like to access your wallet? choose any preferable option. If you chose MetaMask/Mist, click "Connect to Metamask".

  1. Fill addr input with the address of the finalize agent contract (the last one, if you setup multiple tiers), that can be found in the file downloaded at step 4 of Token Wizard.

  2. Click Write.

  3. Choose 0 in Amount to Send. The Gas Limit will be calculated automatically. Click "Generate transaction".

  1. You'll see the transaction data. Click Yes, I am sure. Make transaction..

  1. Confirm transaction in MetaMask popup.

Set release agent by method signature

  1. Open MetaMask Chrome plugin

  2. Connect to the network, where the crowdsale contract is deployed. For example, mainnet.

  3. Choose an account, which is the owner of crowdsale. This account should has sufficient balance in this network too.

  4. Send transaction to the address of the token contract with the data = 0x29ff4f53 + address_of_the_finalize_agent_contract, where

    • 0x29ff4f53 - the method's signature
    • address_of_the_finalize_agent_contract - address of the finalize agent contract, normalized to 32 bytes (required number of zeros before address).

    For example, if you need to set finalize agent address 0x1be7505450bcd62b2001db8eefb9be1706db45c6 as release agent for token, the data should be: 0x29ff4f530000000000000000000000001be7505450bcd62b2001db8eefb9be1706db45c6. Amount to send should be 0.

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