An infinite-scroll web app that lets users browse and favorite photos using the Pexels API.
- Infinite scroll
- A possibility to favourite an item
- Lazy loading, responsive images
- JavaScript library: React
- TypeScript support: TypeScript
- Build tool: Vite
- Styling: CSS Modules with SASS
- Code linting: ESLint with Airbnb Style Guide
- Code formatter: Prettier
- Style linting: Stylelint
- Pre-commit hook for formatting and linting: Husky and lint-staged
- Testing: Jest with React Testing Library, Jest-DOM, User Event
- Package manager: pnpm
Rename .env.example
to .env
and put your Pexels API key in it
mv .env.example .env
# If you want to create a Git repository and use Git hooks
git init
# Install dependencies
pnpm i
# Run in the development mode
pnpm dev
# To make the development server accessible on a different device, run
pnpm start
To enable all app development features, you will need the following VS Code extensions
User or workspace settings in settings.json
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll": true
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
"editor.formatOnSave": true