Devify is a device notification system that utilizes udev rules to monitor device connections and disconnections. It provides notifications when a device is connected or disconnected from Bluetooth and when it is plugged or unplugged from USB.
Make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:
- libnotify
- libcanberra
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd devify
sudo make install
Reload the udev rules:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
paru -S devify
First, enable the lemon-lime-overlay
eselect repository add lemon-lime-overlay git
emaint sync -r lemon-lime-overlay
Then, install the package
emerge --ask devify
- pywal support
- Flaticon for the webcam icon
- thenounproject for the mouse icon
- thenounproject for the Xbox Controller icon
- thenounproject for the PS4 Controller icon
- thenounproject for the PS5 COntroller icon
- freesvg / Public Domain for the generic serial icon
- for the Arduino icon
- Google LLC. for the Android icon
- CamelNotation / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain for the flash drive icon
- SoundsForYou / Pixabay / Creative Commons for the add/remove sound effects
- Google LLC. / Pictogrammers for the battery,sound card,network adapter icons