released this
31 Mar 11:07
161 commits
to main
since this release
Feature enhancement
- Support create database with auto mode (two optional mode: auto or drds mode) , drds is the default option
- Support create table with MySQL compatible syntax for partition-table, including hash/key/list/range types, but not support subpartition yet.
- Support dynamic partition pruning, including collapse conditions of constant/literal, prefix match prunning, combine overlapping range scan etc.
- Support join-wise push down for partitioning table.
- Support add/drop/split/merge/move partition operation for partitioning table.
- Support create GSI for hash/key/list/range partitioning table.
- Support use primary key as partition key and compute the partition member automatically for the tables in auto-mode database.
- Support to change the partition strategy for tables in auto-mode database.
- Support to add primary key as additional partition key for GSI to avoid the GSI table data skew.
- Support Scale-in.
- Support TTL in auto-mode database.
- Optimize check table to validate the meta consistency(including partitioning information, column information) for table and its GSI.
- Support broadcast table as candiate for SQL Advisor feature.
- Support instant add column.
- Support to collect all information for optimizer when use explain statistics command.
- Support limit the search space of CBO and reduce the optimization time of complex queries.
- Optimize the validation data phase of ddl operation to speed up the GSI/Scale in/out operation.
- Support MySQL compatible replica command.
- Support GalaxyEngine cluster.
- Fix the NPE and sort error issues of heuristic join reorder
- Fix the RelNode rowtype error cause by AccessPathRule
- Fix the GSI data inconsistency issue when the collaction is utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
- Fix the maximum login times cannot take effect
- Fix inaccurate estimate size in some block data types
- Fix missing accuracy of Deciaml for GalaxySQL communication protocol.
- Fix the Byte and Char types error when push down execution plan to MySQL in GalaxySQL communition protocol.
- Fix index metadata is missing after alter table add/drop primary Key
- Fix the shards/partitions definition inconsistency issue caused by interrupt or timeout during alter Table
- Fix can't rollback automatically when all the sub-operations are failed for alter table
- Fix possible NPE when input the empty resultset for the sortAgg operation
- 新增 支持创建数据库指定建表模式(新的分区表模式与老的分库分表模式),默认是分库分表模式
- 新增 支持使用 MySQL分区表语法 创建一级分区的分区表,分区策略包括Hash/Range/List等
- 新增 支持分区表的动态裁剪能力,包括支持分区列条件的常量折叠、区间合并以及前缀查询裁剪等功能
- 新增 支持分区表的JOIN计算下推
- 新增 提供分区表的分区管理能力,包括分区的添加、删除、分裂、合并与迁移等功能
- 新增 提供表组及其他能力(包括表组的创建、删除、变更等),支持分区变更期间JOIN计算下推不受影响
- 新增 支持全局索引表使用MySQL分区表语法并按Hash/Range/List等分区策略进行分区
- 新增 自动拆分支持使用分区表语法
- 新增 拆分变更增加支持分区表
- 新增 新分区表GSI自动拆分会携带主键,可以处理GSI热点问题
- 新增 支持实例的缩容
- 新增 支持分区表的TTL及其管理能力(包括调整TTL的初始时间与时间间隔等)
- 优化 Check Table 指令,支持校验主表分区、索引表分区与列定义等元数据一致性
- 新增 SQL Advisor支持推荐广播表
- 新增 支持Instant Add Column功能
- 新增 支持Explain Statistics拉取优化器优化需要的所有信息
- 新增 限制cbo的搜索空间,减少复杂查询的优化耗时
- 优化 部分DDL后台操作的数据校验任务的性能,使GSI/扩缩容DDL变更操作加速
- 新增 支持兼容MySQL的Replica相关指令
- 新增 支持存储节点PAXOS三节点集群
- 修复 heuristic join reorder的空指针和排序报错的问题
- 修复 AccessPathRule导致的RelNode rowtype错误的问题
- 修复 当 collate 为 utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci 时,建 GSI 导致数据不一致的问题。
- 修复 最大登录次数无法生效的问题
- 修复 某些block中estimateSize不准确的问题
- 修复 私有协议下Deciaml精度缺失是问题
- 修复 私有协议下执行计划传输byte和char类型对比报错的问题
- 修复 Alter Table Add/Drop Primary Key后索引元数据缺失问题
- 修复 Alter Table期间外部中断或物理分片超时导致的表结构不一致问题
- 修复 Drop index所有物理分片都失败时不自动回滚的问题
- 修复 sortAgg在结果集为空时可能抛NPE的问题