This is the testframework for Poly ecosystem which can send cross-chain transacions and check it status. Let's call this tool PIT for short.
There is two parts about PIT. First part including five functions is for create and setup cross-chain environment. Like creating accounts on chains and deploying contracts. Second part is for running testcases like sending cross-chain transactions.
PIT can help you build your cross-chain environment and providing examples about writing code to send cross-chain transacion.
The code is still under development.
Part | Func | Desc |
1 | btc_prepare | Generate BTC multi-signature address and other information (you can also use existing multi-signature), deploy and bind BTCX contracts on each chain, and register BTCX contracts and transaction parameters with Poly. |
1 | eth_deployer | Two functions: deploy all the contracts on the Ethereum chain, from ECCM to each asset; to set up the binding of the contract, other chains need to complete the deployment first to ensure that the contract hash has been filled in the config file. |
1 | ont_deployer | Same as eth_deployer |
1 | cosmos_prepare | Initialize the chains based on COSMOS-SDK like Switcheo, create each asset and complete asset binding. |
1 | tools | Register the sidechain with Poly and sync the genesis block between chains. |
2 | cctest | Run testcases. |
Before you try the testcase or other functions, you need to finish the configuration file:
# This is BTC related settings
"BtcRestAddr": "http://ip:port", # BTC node
"BtcRestUser": "test",
"BtcRestPwd": "test",
"BtcFee": 1500,
"BtcRedeem": "552102dec9a415b6384ec0a9331d0cdf02020f0f1e5731c327b86e2b5a92455a289748210365b1066bcfa21987c3e207b92e309b95ca6bee5f1133cf04d6ed4ed265eafdbc21031104e387cd1a103c27fdc8a52d5c68dec25ddfb2f574fbdca405edfd8c5187de21031fdb4b44a9f20883aff505009ebc18702774c105cb04b1eecebcb294d404b1cb210387cda955196cc2b2fc0adbbbac1776f8de77b563c6d2a06a77d96457dc3d0d1f2102dd7767b6a7cc83693343ba721e0f5f4c7b4b8d85eeb7aec20d227625ec0f59d321034ad129efdab75061e8d4def08f5911495af2dae6d3e9a4b6e7aeb5186fa432fc57ae", # Multi-sign Redeem script(testnet)
"BtcNetType": "test", # Network Type
"BtcMultiSigNum": 7, # Multi-signature total
"BtcMultiSigRequire": 5, # Minimum number of multi-signatures
"BtcEncryptedPrivateKeyFile": "./btcprivk", # Multi-signature encrypted wallet storage path
"BtcEncryptedPrivateKeyPwd": "123",
"BtcVendorSigningToolConfFile": "./vendor_tool.json", # vendor configuration file
"BtcFeeRate": 10, # Multi-signature rate, when BTC returns to Bitcoin, unlock transaction rate
"BtcMinChange": 8000, # Multi-sign the minimum UTXO value allowed in the Poly chain contract
"BtcMinOutputValFromContract": 10000, # The minimum allowable withdrawal amount in the BTCX contract
"BtcSignerPrivateKey": "cRRMYvoHPN...MVwyqZVrAcX", # BTC simulates the private key for sending transactions
"BtcExistingVendorPrivks": "cREJsmv4W9Lr4Qh...wRoSnpxryGRL92N,cVJqF57c...PCwBDymEk,cTfnpP7C...pvWthPRoB3yGwR", # Existing multi-signature wallet private key
# eth
"EthURL": "http://ip:port", # Ethereum node
"ETHPrivateKey": "AEC101ECD...BE90B2A2608A9", # Etherem simulates the private key of the transaction
# Ontology
"OntJsonRpcAddress": "http://ip:port", # Ontology
"OntWallet": "./wallet.dat",
"OntWalletPassword": "pwd",
"GasPrice": 2500,
"GasLimit": 30000000,
"OntContractsAvmPath": "./avm", # Avm of all ontology contracts
# cosmos
"CMWalletPath": "./cosmos_key",#
"CMWalletPwd": "pwd",
"CMRpcUrl": "http://ip:port",
"CMChainId": "cosmos-gaia",
"CMGasPrice": "0.00001stake",
"CMGas": 200000,
"CMCrossChainId": 1000,
"CMEpoch": 1,
"NeoUrl": "",
"NeoWif": "",
"NeoEpoch": 0,
# Poly
"RCWallet": "./wallet.dat",
"RCWalletPwd": "pwd",
"RchainJsonRpcAddress": "http://ip:port",
"RCEpoch": 60000,
# configuration for sending tx
"ReportInterval": 10,
"ReportDir": "./report", # Test case status report
"BatchTxNum": 100, # Batch send transaction: how many batches
"BatchInterval": 1, # Time interval for batch sending
"TxNumPerBatch": 100, # How many transactions per batch
# This part is the contract configuration for each chain.
# After deployment, it is automatically written.
# follows are contracts for testnet
"EthErc20": "0x276788aF4a803781267c84692416311DE1F761f9",
"EthOep4": "0x3105A14F7956D33a51F12eF3AE50A3f1eF161Dff",
"Eccd": "0xA38366d552672556CE82426Da5031E2Ae0598dcD",
"Eccm": "0x726532586C50ec9f4080B71f906a3d9779bbd64F",
"Eccmp": "0xb600c8a2e8852832B75DB9Da1A3A1c173eAb28d8",
"EthLockProxy": "0xD8aE73e06552E270340b63A8bcAbf9277a1aac99",
"EthOngx": "0x42d9feF0Cbd9c3000CECe9764d99A4a6fE9E1B34",
"EthOntx": "0x530aae4C0859894023906e28467f2a7F111B6ff3",
"EthOntd": "0x76130c293AA35bf7B3e5fED1E9aE1E5DF12C6A92",
"EthRenBTC": "0x239100e629a9Ca8e0BF45C7892b0fc72d78AA97A",
"EthUSDT": "0xad3f96ae966ad60347f31845b7e4b333104c52fb",
"EthWBTC": "0x557563dc4ed3fd256eBA55B9622f53331ab97c2f",
"EthDai": "0x8Cad2301F7348DFc10C65778197028F432d51e76",
"EthUSDC": "0x0d9c8723b343a8368bebe0b5e89273ff8d712e3c",
"EthNeo": "0x7E269f2f33A97C64192e9889FAeEC72A6fcdB397",
"BtceContractAddress": "0x92705a16815A3d1AEC3cE9Cc273C5aa302961FcC",
"OntErc20": "e930755b130dccb25dc3cfee2b2e30d9370c1a75",
"OntOep4": "969850e009b5e2a061694f3479ec8e44bc68bcd3",
"OntLockProxy": "33c439c502cb4b6ac5a1e8057a65fe1fa7c300e2",
"OntEth": "7009a2f7c8a2e45fa386a6078c7bfeaf518be487",
"OntUSDT": "c6f91c11d740d39943b99a6b1c6fd2b5f476e2a3",
"OntWBTC": "aede525f05065306423a5522bfcd31b5847ffa52",
"OntDai": "96cf88356123592835a2fa75068a242260be1791",
"OntUSDC": "07a12c0a6bdce4df04ef4b2045d1b0fd63a56e25",
"OntNeo": "13eef3e184d878038317d806796b3af2d9f9b36d",
"OntONTD": "869951e3397550e800d5faf579857cdb637a0051",
"OntRenBTC": "ec547bc4486dea97cb659f1fe73407922f9e63c8",
"BtcoContractAddress": "814d32455c21bfc25c33b75ccbfc34fe8e79bff1",
"NeoCCMC": "0xe1695b1314a1331e3935481620417ed835669407",
"NeoLockProxy": "0x229e8fe772d5f0cbb408d58b593e42a1d1dfa3a9",
"CNeo": "c074a05e9dcf0141cbe6b4b3475dd67baf4dcb60",
"NeoOnt": "5a9222225f1bdb135123b74354c7248200c440aa",
"NeoOntd": "5a9222225f1bdb135123b74354c7248200c440aa",
"NeoEth": "d7b32de37ad906df80805c2419ff5560d20f9cbf",
"CMLockProxy": "f71b55ef55cedc91fd007f7a9ba386ec978f3aa8",
# Test transaction limit. The cross-chain amount would not be over the limit.
"BtcValLimit": 100000,
"OntValLimit": 10,
"OntdValLimit": 1000,
"OngValLimit": 10000,
"EthValLimit": 100000,
"Oep4ValLimit": 1000,
"Erc20ValLimit": 1000,
"USDTValLimit": 10000,
"NeoValLimit": 10000,
"USDCValLimit": 1000,
"WBTCValLimit": 1000,
"RenBTCValLimit": 1000,
"OntdValFloor": 100
Build the cctest
like follow:
go build -o cctest cmd/cctest/main.go
You can run a testcase like:
./cctest -cfg=your_config_file -t case_name
Some cases:
Case Name | Desc |
SendOntToEthChain | Send ONT to ethereum. Contract EthOntx will receive your ONT. |
SendOnteToOntChain | Send ONT back to ontology. It would transfer from EthOntx to Ontology. |
SendEthToOntChain | Send ETH to ontology. Contract OntEth will receive your ETH. |
SendEthoToEthChain | Send ETH back to ethereum. |
SendBtcToOntChain | Send BTC to ontology. Contract BtcoContractAddress will mint a reflection coin BTCX for you. |
More case see here.
If you want more details about sending cross-chain transactions, you can read these documents