In this guide we will explain how to setup PomeloCardsSDK on a React Native project by implementing a bridge to iOS and Android native SDKs.
You need to drag and drop from the demo project the folder pomelo_native_modules
to your own one.
That's it on react native side, that implements the bridge to the native modules and components. You can check the official React Native documentation if you wan't to know more about this bridge.
You need to add PomeloCardsSDK on your iOS workspace (ios/ProjectName.xcworkspace) using Swift Package Dependency.
- Select you project, go to
Package Dependencies
- Setup minimum deployment target to iOS 13.0 or later
- Setup
on info.plist with the appropriate message. Ex:$(PRODUCT_NAME) uses Face ID to validate your identity
- Drag and drop from the demo project the folder
to your own ios workspace
Xcode should prompt you to add a Bridging-Header file automatically once you drag and drop the files, you must accept it.
If that's not the case you must create it manually. (
You must add the imports from the demo project on your Bridging-Header.h so Objective-C code becomes visible to the Swift one.
#import "React/RCTBridgeModule.h"
#import "React/RCTViewManager.h"
#import "React/RCTUIManager.h"
#import "RCTSwiftLog.h"
You need to import Pomelo Native Android dependency:
- Setup
pluginManagement {
repositories {
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven {
name = "Pomelo GitHubPackages Releases"
url = uri("")
credentials {
username = System.getenv("username")
password = System.getenv("access_token")
- Setup project
Add kotlin version to the project build.gradle as the bridge is written in kotlin.
kotlinVersion = '1.6.10'
- Setup module
apply plugin: "kotlin-android"
buildFeatures {
buildConfig true
compose = true
composeOptions {
kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion '1.1.1'
flavorDimensions "default"
productFlavors {
stage {
dimension = "default"
buildConfigField("String", "API_BASE_URL", '""')
- Copy bridge folder to your project
Drag and drop bridge package from the demo project to your own
Replace the module name with your own. Ex: com.projectname
- MainApplication
If your MainApplication is written in Java we need to convert it to Kotlin
lateinit var userTokenRepository: UserTokenRepository
override fun getPackages(): List<ReactPackage> {
val packages: MutableList<ReactPackage> = PackageList(this).packages
return packages
userTokenRepository = get()
private fun startAppKoin() {
val modules = listOf(MainModule.initModule())
GlobalContext.getOrNull()?.apply {
} ?: startKoin {
- Card Image
Add card image to Android
We currently have a bug that Android App won't work if it doesn't have a Material Theme. We are working to solve it, if this is an issue for you please contact our support team
When you call the setup method from React Native under the hood iOS is setting the environment, the authorization service and the theme.
@objc func setupSDK(_ email: String) {
//Configure Cards SDK
PomeloCards.initialize(with: PomeloCardsConfiguration(environment: .staging))
//Configure authorization service on PomeloNetworking
PomeloNetworkConfigurator.shared.configure(authorizationService: EndUserTokenAuthorizationService(email: email))
guaranteeMainThread {
//Configure theme on PomeloUI
PomeloUIGateway.shared.configure(theme: PomeloTheme())
To initialize Pomelo Cards SDK, we need to provide an end user token. All the logic is implemented in swift on the iOS side, you can check how to do that on iOS native SDK documentation:
To customize the iOS theme you should setup your own theme. You can check how to do that on iOS native SDK documentation:
When you call the setup method from React Native under the hood iOS is setting the authorization service.
fun setupSDK(email: String) {
val configuration = Configuration {
PomeloCards.register(configuration, reactContext.applicationContext)
To initialize Pomelo Cards SDK, we need to provide an end user token. All the logic is implemented in kotlin on the Android side, you can check how to do that on Androud native SDK documentation:
To customize the Android theme you should setup your own styling. You can check how to do that on Android native SDK documentation:
When using the SDK you should first call the setup method from the react native side. This method must be called before launching any widget.
const App = () => {
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
An example of how you can insert PomeloCardView on a React Native one is shown on screens/CardWidgetScreen.js
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
setupParams={{cardholderName:constants.cardholderName, lastFourCardDigits:constants.lastFourCardDigits, image: constants.image}}
onPress={() => showSensitiveData()}
title="Display sensitive data"
iOS | Android |
An example of how to launch card bottom sheet widget is shown on HomeScreen.js
function launchCardListWidget() {
NativePomeloCardsModule.launchCardListWidget(constants.cardId).then(res => {
// Sensitive data load successfully
.catch(e => { alert(`Show sensitive data failed with error: ${e.toString()}`) })
iOS | Android |
An example of how to launch activate card widget is shown on HomeScreen.js
function launchActivateCardWidget() {
NativePomeloCardsModule.launchActivateCardWidget().then(res => {
// Activate card succeed
.catch(e => { alert(`Change pin failed with error: ${e.toString()}`) })
iOS | Android |
An example of how to launch change pin widget is shown on HomeScreen.js
function launcChangePinWidget() {
NativePomeloCardsModule.launchChangePinWidget(constants.cardId).then(res => {
// Pin change succeed
.catch(e => { alert(`Change pin failed with error: ${e.toString()}`) })
iOS | Android |
We know that currently configuring Pomelo´s SDKs on React Native involves a couple of steps and we would like to improve the experience. We have a couple of goals on track and we would like to listen to your feedback to improve the experience. Please write to for any suggestions.
- Setup card images on React Native side.
- Setup end user token on React Native side.
- Setup mobile theme from the dashboard.
- Create a npm package that wrappes both sdks. The dependency will be installed using
npm install react-native-pomelo-cards
and you won't need to edit any native code 🥳🥳🥳