mermaid-loader for webpack using mermaid.
It outputs PNG images from your mermaid diagrams. Can be useful for slides made with presentation frameworks like Reveal or Spectacle
Here is a sequence diagram:
A->> B: Query
B->> C: Forward query
Note right of C: Thinking...
C->> B: Response
B->> A: Forward response
Mermaid loader outputs this png:
npm i mermaid-loader -D
var html = require("mermaid!./diagram.mmd");
// => emits diagram.png as file in the output directory and returns the public url
// => returns i. e. "/public-path/diagram.png
By default the filename of the resulting file is the filename with .mmd
extension replaced by .png
You can configure a custom filename template for your file using the query
parameter name
. For instance, to copy a file from your context
into the output directory retaining the full directory structure, you might
use ?name=[path][name].[ext]
mermaid-loader works like file-loader. More instructions here.
module: {
loaders: [
{ test: /\.mmd$/, loader: "mermaid" },