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Gather statistics about physical disk access and CPU consumption done by backends.


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Gathers statistics about real reads and writes done by the filesystem layer. It is provided in the form of an extension for PostgreSQL >= 9.4., and requires pg_stat_statements extension to be installed. PostgreSQL 9.4 or more is required as previous version of provided pg_stat_statements didn't expose the queryid field.


From PGDG repositories

If you installed PostgreSQL from the PGDG repositories (either APT on Debian/Ubuntu <> or YUM on RHEL/Rocky <, the recommended way to install pg_stat_kcache is to get it from the same repositories.

For Debian/Ubuntu:

apt install postgresql-XY-pg-stat-kcache

and RHEL/Rocky:

yum install pg_stat_kcacheXY

or for PostgreSQL 11 and above:

yum install pg_stat_kcache_XY

(where XY is your major PostgreSQL version)


The module can be built using the standard PGXS infrastructure. For this to work, the pg_config program must be available in your $PATH. Instruction to install follows:

git clone
cd pg_stat_kcache
make install

PostgreSQL setup

The extension is now available. But, as it requires some shared memory to hold its counters, the module must be loaded at PostgreSQL startup. Thus, you must add the module to shared_preload_libraries in your postgresql.conf. You need a server restart to take the change into account. As this extension depends on pg_stat_statements, it also need to be added to shared_preload_libraries.

Add the following parameters into you postgresql.conf:

# postgresql.conf
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements,pg_stat_kcache'

Once your PostgreSQL cluster is restarted, you can install the extension in every database where you need to access the statistics:

mydb=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_kcache;


The following GUCs can be configured, in postgresql.conf:

  • pg_stat_kcache.linux_hz (int, default -1): informs pg_stat_kcache of the linux CONFIG_HZ config option. This is used by pg_stat_kcache to compensate for sampling errors. The default value is -1, tries to guess it at startup.
  • pg_stat_kcache.track (enum, default top): controls which statements are tracked by pg_stat_kcache. Specify top to track top-level statements (those issued directly by clients), all to also track nested statements (such as statements invoked within functions), or none to disable statement statistics collection.
  • pg_stat_kcache.track_planning (bool, default off): controls whether planning operations and duration are tracked by pg_stat_kcache (requires PostgreSQL 13 or above).


pg_stat_kcache create several objects.

pg_stat_kcache view

Name Type Description
datname name Name of the database
plan_user_time double precision User CPU time used planning statements in this database, in seconds and milliseconds (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_system_time double precision System CPU time used planning statements in this database, in seconds and milliseconds (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_minflts bigint Number of page reclaims (soft page faults) planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_majflts bigint Number of page faults (hard page faults) planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nswaps bigint Number of swaps planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_reads bigint Number of bytes read by the filesystem layer planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_reads_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks read by the filesystem layer planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_writes bigint Number of bytes written by the filesystem layer planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_writes_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks written by the filesystem layer planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_msgsnds bigint Number of IPC messages sent planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_msgrcvs bigint Number of IPC messages received planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nsignals bigint Number of signals received planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nvcsws bigint Number of voluntary context switches planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nivcsws bigint Number of involuntary context switches planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
exec_user_time double precision User CPU time used executing statements in this database, in seconds and milliseconds
exec_system_time double precision System CPU time used executing statements in this database, in seconds and milliseconds
exec_minflts bigint Number of page reclaims (soft page faults) executing statements in this database
exec_majflts bigint Number of page faults (hard page faults) executing statements in this database
exec_nswaps bigint Number of swaps executing statements in this database
exec_reads bigint Number of bytes read by the filesystem layer executing statements in this database
exec_reads_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks read by the filesystem layer executing statements in this database
exec_writes bigint Number of bytes written by the filesystem layer executing statements in this database
exec_writes_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks written by the filesystem layer executing statements in this database
exec_msgsnds bigint Number of IPC messages sent executing statements in this database
exec_msgrcvs bigint Number of IPC messages received executing statements in this database
exec_nsignals bigint Number of signals received executing statements in this database
exec_nvcsws bigint Number of voluntary context switches executing statements in this database
exec_nivcsws bigint Number of involuntary context switches executing statements in this database

pg_stat_kcache_detail view

Name Type Description
query text Query text
top bool True if the statement is top-level
datname name Database name
rolname name Role name
plan_user_time double precision User CPU time used planning the statement, in seconds and milliseconds (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_system_time double precision System CPU time used planning the statement, in seconds and milliseconds (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_minflts bigint Number of page reclaims (soft page faults) planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_majflts bigint Number of page faults (hard page faults) planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nswaps bigint Number of swaps planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_reads bigint Number of bytes read by the filesystem layer planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_reads_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks read by the filesystem layer planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_writes bigint Number of bytes written by the filesystem layer planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_writes_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks written by the filesystem layer planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_msgsnds bigint Number of IPC messages sent planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_msgrcvs bigint Number of IPC messages received planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nsignals bigint Number of signals received planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nvcsws bigint Number of voluntary context switches planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nivcsws bigint Number of involuntary context switches planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
exec_user_time double precision User CPU time used executing the statement, in seconds and milliseconds
exec_system_time double precision System CPU time used executing the statement, in seconds and milliseconds
exec_minflts bigint Number of page reclaims (soft page faults) executing the statements
exec_majflts bigint Number of page faults (hard page faults) executing the statements
exec_nswaps bigint Number of swaps executing the statements
exec_reads bigint Number of bytes read by the filesystem layer executing the statements
exec_reads_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks read by the filesystem layer executing the statements
exec_writes bigint Number of bytes written by the filesystem layer executing the statements
exec_writes_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks written by the filesystem layer executing the statements
exec_msgsnds bigint Number of IPC messages sent executing the statements
exec_msgrcvs bigint Number of IPC messages received executing the statements
exec_nsignals bigint Number of signals received executing the statements
exec_nvcsws bigint Number of voluntary context switches executing the statements
exec_nivcsws bigint Number of involuntary context switches executing the statements

pg_stat_kcache_reset function

Resets the statistics gathered by pg_stat_kcache. Can be called by superusers:


pg_stat_kcache function

This function is a set-returning functions that dumps the containt of the counters of the shared memory structure. This function is used by the pg_stat_kcache view. The function can be called by any user:

SELECT * FROM pg_stat_kcache();

It provides the following columns:

Name Type Description
queryid bigint pg_stat_statements' query identifier
top bool True if the statement is top-level
userid oid Database OID
dbid oid Database OID
plan_user_time double precision User CPU time used planning the statement, in seconds and milliseconds (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_system_time double precision System CPU time used planning the statement, in seconds and milliseconds (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_minflts bigint Number of page reclaims (soft page faults) planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_majflts bigint Number of page faults (hard page faults) planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nswaps bigint Number of swaps planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_reads bigint Number of bytes read by the filesystem layer planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_reads_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks read by the filesystem layer planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_writes bigint Number of bytes written by the filesystem layer planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_writes_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks written by the filesystem layer planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_msgsnds bigint Number of IPC messages sent planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_msgrcvs bigint Number of IPC messages received planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nsignals bigint Number of signals received planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nvcsws bigint Number of voluntary context switches planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nivcsws bigint Number of involuntary context switches planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
exec_user_time double precision User CPU time used executing the statement, in seconds and milliseconds
exec_system_time double precision System CPU time used executing the statement, in seconds and milliseconds
exec_minflts bigint Number of page reclaims (soft page faults) executing the statements
exec_majflts bigint Number of page faults (hard page faults) executing the statements
exec_nswaps bigint Number of swaps executing the statements
exec_reads bigint Number of bytes read by the filesystem layer executing the statements
exec_reads_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks read by the filesystem layer executing the statements
exec_writes bigint Number of bytes written by the filesystem layer executing the statements
exec_writes_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks written by the filesystem layer executing the statements
exec_msgsnds bigint Number of IPC messages sent executing the statements
exec_msgrcvs bigint Number of IPC messages received executing the statements
exec_nsignals bigint Number of signals received executing the statements
exec_nvcsws bigint Number of voluntary context switches executing the statements
exec_nivcsws bigint Number of involuntary context switches executing the statements

Updating the extension

Note that a PostgreSQL restart is required for changes other than than SQL objects. Most of the new code will be enabled as soon as the restart is done, whether or not the extension is updated, as the extension only takes care of exposing the internal data structure in SQL.

Please also note that when the set-returning function fields are changes, a PostgreSQL restart is required to load the new version of the extension. Until the restart is done, updating the extension will fail with messages similar to:

could not find function "pg_stat_kcache_2_2" in file .../

Bugs and limitations

No known bugs.

Tracking planner resources usage requires PostgreSQL 13 or above.

We assume that a kernel block is 512 bytes. This is true for Linux, but may not be the case for another Unix implementation.


On platforms without a native getrusage(2), all fields except user_time and system_time will be NULL.

On platforms with a native getrusage(2), some of the fields may not be maintained. This is a platform dependent behavior, please refer to your platform getrusage(2) manual page for more details.

If pg_stat_kcache.track is all, pg_stat_kcache tracks nested statements. The max number of nesting level that will be tracked is is limited to 64, in order to keep implementation simple, but this should be enough for reasonable use cases.

Even if pg_stat_kcache.track is all, pg_stat_kcache view considers only statistics of top-level statements. So, there is the case which even though user cpu time used planning a nested statement is high, plan_user_time of pg_stat_kcache view is small. In such a case, user cpu time used planning a nested statement is counted in exec_user_time.


pg_stat_kcache is an original development from Thomas Reiss, with large portions of code inspired from pg_stat_plans. Julien Rouhaud also contributed some parts of the extension.

Thanks goes to Peter Geoghegan for providing much inspiration with pg_stat_plans so we could write this extension quite straightforward.


pg_stat_kcache is free software distributed under the PostgreSQL license.

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