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eadmaster edited this page Oct 8, 2024 · 22 revisions

Manual for Coding in JavaScript to Bruce

This section was ported from justinknight93/Doolittle, who made a very nice job with its JavaScript interpreter

Some changes were made and some new functions were added, and more are to be add.

Some example scripts are here.

You can copy your favourite scripts in the /scripts folder and have them listed in the "Scripts" menu.

For easier development, you can use this bash script to upload code directly via serial.

API Reference for Native Functions Accessible from JS:


load(script: string)

Description: Sets the script to be executed next when the current script ends.


  • script (string): The JavaScript code as a string to be loaded.

Returns: void


Description: Returns the current time in milliseconds since the epoch.

Returns: number: The current timestamp in milliseconds.

delay(ms: number)

Description: Pauses execution for the specified number of milliseconds.


  • ms (number): The number of milliseconds to delay.

Returns: void

digitalWrite(pin: number, value: boolean)

Description: Sets the digital value (HIGH or LOW) for a specified pin.


  • pin (number): The pin number.
  • value (boolean): The value to write (true for HIGH, false for LOW).

Returns: void

pinMode(pin: number, mode: number)

Description: Configures the specified pin to behave as an input or an output.


  • pin (number): The pin number.
  • mode (number): The mode to set (INPUT, OUTPUT, etc.).

Returns: void

Get some board information


Description: Get and integer from 0 to 100 relative to the battery level.

Returns: number: 0-100 battery level.


Description: Get and integer from 0 to 100 relative to the battery level.

Returns: string[]: "StickCPlus", "StickCPlus2", "Cardputer", "Core2", "Core", "CoreS3/SE".

WiFi functions


Description: Open Bruce WiFi connection menu.

wifiConnect(ssid : string)

wifiConnect(ssid : string, timeout_in_seconds : number)

wifiConnect(ssid : string, timeout_in_seconds : number, pwd : string)

Description: Connects to the specified wifi network (without opening any menu).


  • ssid (string): Network name.
  • timeout_in_seconds (number): retry connecting. Defaults to 10 seconds if unspecified.
  • pwd (string): Network password (optional for open networks)

Returns: boolean. Returns true if connection was successful, false otherwise.


Description: Disconnect Wifi.


Description: scan for available wifi networks. Also disconnect from current wifi network to perform the scan.

Returns: object: An object array with 3 properties:

  • SSID (string): The network name.
  • encryptionType (string): The network encryptionType. Possible values: "UNKNOWN", "TKIP/WPA", "WEP","CCMP/WPA","NONE","AUTO"
  • MAC (string): The AP MAC address.

httpGet(url: string)

httpGet(url: string, headers: string[])

Description: Performs an HTTP GET request to the specified URL. Optionally includes headers.


  • url (string): The URL to send the GET request to.
  • headers (string[]): An array of headers to include in the request. Headers should be provided as key-value pairs in the array. Example: [ "Content-Type", "application/json", "Authorization", "Bearer your_token_here", "Accept", "application/json" ]

Returns: object: An object with two properties:

  • response (number): The HTTP response code.
  • body (string): The response body.

TFT Display Functions

color(r: number, g: number, b: number)

Description: Creates a color from the given RGB values.


  • r (number): The red component (0-255).
  • g (number): The green component (0-255).
  • b (number): The blue component (0-255).

Returns: number: The color value in 16-bit RGB format.

setTextColor(color: number)

Description: Sets the text color for drawing operations.


  • color (number): The color value in 16-bit RGB format.

Returns: void

setTextSize(size: number)

Description: Sets the text size for drawing operations.


  • size (number): The text size multiplier.

Returns: void

drawRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, color: number)

Description: Draws a rectangle with the specified parameters.


  • x (number): The x-coordinate of the top-left corner.
  • y (number): The y-coordinate of the top-left corner.
  • width (number): The width of the rectangle.
  • height (number): The height of the rectangle.
  • color (number): The color value in 16-bit RGB format.

Returns: void

drawFillRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, color: number)

Description: Draws a filled rectangle with the specified parameters.


  • x (number): The x-coordinate of the top-left corner.
  • y (number): The y-coordinate of the top-left corner.
  • width (number): The width of the rectangle.
  • height (number): The height of the rectangle.
  • color (number): The color value in 16-bit RGB format.

Returns: void

drawString(text: string, x: number, y: number)

Description: Draws the specified text at the given coordinates.


  • text (string): The text to draw.
  • x (number): The x-coordinate where the text starts.
  • y (number): The y-coordinate where the text starts.

Returns: void


Description: Returns the width of the display.

Returns: number: The width of the display in pixels.


Description: Returns the height of the display.

Returns: number: The height of the display in pixels.

drawLine(x: number, y: number, x2: number, y2: number, color: number)

Description: Draws a line with the specified parameters.


  • x (number): The x-coordinate of the starting point.
  • y (number): The y-coordinate of the starting point.
  • x2 (number): The x-coordinate of the final point.
  • y2 (number): The y-coordinate of the final point.
  • color (number): The color value in 16-bit RGB format.

Returns: void

drawPixel(x: number, y: number, color: number)

Description: Draws a single pixel on screen.


  • x (number): The x-coordinate of the pixel.
  • y (number): The y-coordinate of the pixel.
  • color (number): The color value in 16-bit RGB format.

Returns: void

fillScreen(color: number)

Description: Fill the screen with the specified color.


  • color (number): The color value in 16-bit RGB format.

Returns: void

dialogMessage(msg : string)

Description: Show a message dialog.


  • msg (string): The message text.

Returns: void

dialogError(msg : string)

Description: Show an error message dialog.


  • msg (string): The message text.

Returns: void

dialogPickFile(path : string)

Description: Show a file picker dialog.


  • path (string): Root path (optional, defaults to SDcard root if unspecified)

Returns: string. Selected file full path, or empty string if cancelled.

dialogChoice(choices : string[])

Description: Show a dialog with multiple choices.


  • choices: an all the choices to show. Choices should be provided as key-value pairs in the array. Example: [ "choice1", "return_val1", "choice2", "return_val2", ...]

Returns: string. Selected choice value, or empty string if cancelled.

dialogViewFile(path : string)

Description: Show a file viewer dialog.


  • path (string): file pathname to view.

Returns: void


keyboard(initval : string)

keyboard(initval : string, maxlen : number)

keyboard(initval : string, maxlen : number, title : string)

Description: Show a text input dialog.


  • initval (string): initial text field value (optional).
  • maxlen (number): max input string lenght (optional).
  • title (string): dialog title (optional).

Returns: string. Typed string, or empty string if cancelled.

Keyboard Inputs


Description: check if any key/button is pressed;

Returns: boolean: Returns true if any key/button is pressed, or false otherwise.


Description: Return the current state of 'Previous' button;

Returns: boolean: Returns true if pressed and false if not pressed


Description: Return the current state of 'Select' button;

Returns: boolean: Returns true if pressed and false if not pressed


Description: Return the current state of 'Next' button;

Returns: boolean: Returns true if pressed and false if not pressed


Restriction: Works only in Cardputer

Description: Returns the current state of the keys pressed on the M5Cardputer.

Returns: string[]: An array of strings representing the pressed keys. Possible values include "Delete", "Enter", "Alt", "Tab", "Function", "Option", or the actual key character.

Storage functions

storageRead(filename : string) : string

Description: Read a small text file with a single call (<4kb).


  • filename (string): file pathname to read.

Returns: string. File contents, or empty string if not found or any other error.

storageWrite(filename : string, data : string)

Description: Write a small text file. Append if file exist.


  • filename (string): path of the file to write.
  • data (string): string to write.

Returns: boolean: Returns true if successfull or false if failed

Serial functions

print(message: string)

Description: Prints the given message to the Serial monitor.


  • message (string): The message to print.

Returns: void

serialReadln(timeout_in_ms : number)

Description: Read a single line from the serial terminal;


  • timeout_in_ms (number): timeout in milli-seconds. Defaults to 10s if unspecified.

Returns: string: Returns the line received

serialCmd(cmd : string)

Description: Execute a supported serial command (see the list here);


  • cmd (string): serial command to execute.

Returns: boolean: Returns true if successfull or false if command failed

Audio functions

playAudioFile(filename : string)

tone(frequency : number)

tone(frequency : number, duration : number)

IR functions

irTransmitFile(filename : string)

irRead(timeout_in_seconds : number) : string

irReadRaw(timeout_in_seconds : number) : string

SubGhz/RF functions

subghzTransmitFile(filename : string)

subghzRead(timeout_in_seconds : number) : string

subghzReadRaw(timeout_in_seconds : number) : string

subghzSetFrequency(freq : float)

Badusb functions


badusbRunFile(filename : string)

badusbPrint(msg : string)

badusbPrintln(msg : string)

badusbPress(keycode : number)

keycodes list

badusbHold(keycode : number)

badusbRelease(keycode : number)


badusbPressRaw(hid_key : number)

TinyUSB's HID_KEY_* macros

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