This notebook uses cellpose v2.3.2.
Cellpose: Cellpose:
3D prediction is available by the ZeroCostDL4Mic team. The notebooks are inspired by the ZeroCostDL4Mic series of notebooks from the Henriques Lab and do borrow components from it as well.
v0.5 update:
- 2024/04/09 Constrained cellpose version to be 2.3.2 to maintain compatibility.
v0.4 update:
- Fixed bug where new models could not be used for prediction
v0.3 update:
- Updated for Cellpose 2.0
- New models incorporated:
- Parameters used in cellpose will be saved as a txt file (Thanks for suggestion Kota Miura)
This is mainly if you'd like to train data using your PC resources Installation instructions are provided in the notebook below. The cellpose_colab_local.yml file provided here is only for upgrading the existing cellpose environment. Check the notebook below for more info.
2D Notebook_local_environment (run locally on a PC):
This is not guaranteed to work on every system. If you have an error:
ImportError: Numba needs NumPy 1.21 or less
pip install numpy==1.21