The code for this model has not been tested because of time constraints. All the steps have been given below to train/test the model. Feel free to create a pull request if anyone is interested in testing this model.
This is a PyTorch implementation of the paper Generative Adversarial Text-to-Image Synthesis [] using skip thought vectors for caption embedding. This implementation is based on DCGAN. Below is the model architecture where blue bars represent skip thought vector for the captions.
[Figure] Image Source : Paper
- Python==3.6.6
- PyTorch==0.4.0
- TorchVision==0.2.1
- Theano
- This model can be trained on the flowers dataset. Download flower dataset from here[] and save the images in Data folder as Data/flowers.
- Now download the corresponding captions from here[]. After extracting, copy the text_c10 folder and paste it in Data folder as Data/text_c10.
Download the pretrained models and vocabulary for skip thought vectors as per the instructions given below. Save the downloaded files in Data/skipthoughts.
Some of the files are quite large(>2GB). So make sure there is enough space available.
Run below code to download skip thought model and all other required files python
- Data Pre-processing :
$ python
- Training Arguments:
dataset : Dataset used. Default = flowers batch_size : Batch Size. Default = 1 num_epochs : NUmber of epochs to train. Default = 200 img_size : Size of the image. Default = 64 z_dim : Latent variable dimension. Default = 100 text_embedding_dim : Embedding dim of caption. Default = 4800 reduced_text_dim : Reduced embedding dim of caption. Default = 1024 learning_rate : Learning Rate. Default = 0.0002 beta1 : Hyperparameter of the Adam optimizer. Default = 0.5 beta2 : Hyperparameter of the Adam optimizer. Default = 0.999 l1_coeff : Coefficient for the L1 Loss. Default = 50 resume_epoch : Resume epoch to resume training. Default = 1
- Train the model by running below code
$ python
- Testing model by giving custom input text
The generated image will be save to text directory inside Data folder as Data/Testing
$ python --text="Input caption to be used to generate the image"
Skip Thought is an efficient model used for sentence embedding and is based on the concept of word embedding (word2vec or Glove). It returns a numpy array of dimension 4800 in which the first 2400 dimensions is the uni-skip model and the last 2400 dimensions is the bi-skip model. We use the combine -skip vectors as experimentally, they perform the best.
Text2Image model is a Generarive Adversarial Network based model which is built on top of the DCGAN. It consists of a Discriminator network and a Generator network.
Discriminator network not only classifies the images generated by the generate as a fake image but also those real images which do not correspond to the correct caption. In short, fake examples are categorized by following : Fake Image + Correct Caption False Image(Real Image) + Incorrect Caption
Images are 64 x 64 in dimension
Following are some of the images generated by this model [A table of few 5-6 images along with their captions]
Implementation of the same using an autoencoder for sentence embedding
- Generative Adversarial Text-to-Image Synthesis -
- Tensorflow implementation -
- Skip-Thought Model -