Pranav Aggarwal Date - 4th December 2016 Note:
- All the programs are implemented with the following details: Programming language - Lua IDE – SublimeText //Download link - Compiler – Torch (implemented on Terminal of Ubuntu 16.04) Operating system – Ubuntu 16.04 OS type – 64 bit
List of files
--Colored_train.lua This program creates LeNet-5 model for colored background MNIST dataset
To execute th Colored_train.lua
--Colored_test.lua This program implements the model created in Colored_train.lua
To execute th Colored_test.lua
--Translated_train.lua This program creates LeNet-5 model for translated MNIST dataset
To execute th Translated_train.lua
--Translated_test.lua This program implements the model created in Translated_train.lua
To execute th Translated_test.lua
To display images I have used interative torch which can be started by typing "qlua -lenv" on the terminal. Then used the following code to display the images For example This will display the first 10 digits from the above mentioned dataset require "image" t7> d1 = torch.load('mnist-p1b-test.t7') t7> image.display{,1,10)}