This platform serves as a dynamic marketplace for models, offering users the ability to peruse a wide array of models tailored to various purposes. Users can refine their search using tags, designate favorite models for easy reference, uncover top-performing models, and actively contribute to the platform by uploading their own creations.
The project is developed using React for the front end and employs Node.js as the server for data hosting. It incorporates essential plugins and packages, including:
React Router Dom, React Hot Toast, Express Js, Tailwind CSS, Tag-Cloud, Lucide React.
I haven't stored any static data such as a list of models on the client side. Instead, all data is retrieved from the Node.js server, hosted on DigitalOcean. Additionally, I've integrated Lazy Loading on the main Explore Page to fetch only the necessary data, thereby reducing the overall load on the user's device.