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Operator Upgrades

anishakj edited this page Jun 15, 2020 · 31 revisions

Supported Upgrade Paths

Till Operator version 0.4.x only minor version upgrades were supported e.g. 0.4.0 -> 0.4.1.

Starting Operator version 0.4.3 we also support major version upgrades for Pravega Operator.

0.4.3 --> 0.5.0

0.4.4 -->0.5.0

Upgrade Guide

Upgrading till 0.4.4

Till version 0.4.4, Pravega operator can be upgraded by modifying the image tag using kubectl edit, patch or apply...

$ kubectl edit <operator deployment name>

The upgrade is handled as a rolling update by Kubernetes and results in a new operator pod being created and the old one being terminated.

Upgrading from 0.4.x to 0.5.0

What changed between 0.4.x and 0.5.0 ?

A lot has changed between operator versions 0.4.x and 0.5.0.

Here is a list of changes and their impact:

  1. The Pravega Cluster CRD

Till Operator 0.4.4, the Pravega CR (version v1alpha1) includes Bookkeeper. Starting version 0.5.0, Pravega CR does not include Bookkeeper. Bookkeeper is moved out and is now a prerequisite for Pravega deployment. It can be installed separately either using Bookkeeper-Operator or some other means. The Bookkeeper field in PravegaCluster Spec in version v1alpha1 is replaced with field BookkeeperUri in version v1beta1.

  1. CR conversion from v1alpha1 to v1beta1

When upgrading to Operator version 0.5.x, it is necessary to migrate the Pravega CR Object from the old version v1alpha1[with Bookkeeper] to the new version v1beta1[without Bookkeeper]. This is done by a Conversion Webhook that gets triggered automatically when Operator is upgraded to 0.5.0. See:

The Conversion Webhook is part of Pravega Operator code (starting 0.5.0-rc1) and it does the following:

a. Converts a Pravega CR v1alpha1 Object to v1beta1 Object by copying all values in the Pravega Spec for Controller, SegmentStore, Tier2 (LongTermStorage) etc...

b. Creates a new Bookkeeper CR object based on the Bookkeeper CRD and populates it with values from the Bookkeeper Spec in Pravega CR Object v1alpha1. The name & namespace of this object is as that of Pravega CR object.

c. Sets owner/controller reference of all Bookkeeper objects [STS, ConfigMap, PVCs, PDB & Headless Service] to the new Bookkeeper CR Object and removes references to the Pravega CR Object. With this, all existing Bookkeeper artifacts are migrated to Bookkeeper CR from Pravega CR. The Bookkeeper CR object so created, should be managed by a Bookkeeper Operator.

d. Sets owner references of all Pravega Cluster objects [Controller Deployment, Services, Config Maps, SegmentStore STS, Services, Config Maps etc...] to APIVersion "" from earlier "". This makes sure on deletion of Pravega CR Object, all these artifacts are also deleted

e. Deletes and recreates Bookkeeper and Segment Store STS, since owner references on existing STS cannot be updated.

  1. OpenAPIV3Schema Validation

Structural schemas are a requirement for Custom Resources [starting], and not specifying one disables ConversionWebhook feature in version As such, the new Pravega Cluster CRD includes OpenAPIV3Schema Validation for Pravega CRs for both versions v1alpha1 and v1beta1. See:

  1. Controller Runtime upgrade

Controller Runtime library has been upgraded from v0.1.8 to v0.5.1 as the older one does not support conversion webhooks. The operator uses hub-spokes model in controller-runtime to achieve version conversion.


  1. Mutating Webhook replaced with Validating Webhook

The mutating webhook in operator(0.4.x) has been replaced with a validating webhook that validates pravega version information entered by the user. This can be extended later to add more validations in the near future. A mutating webhook was no longer needed as tag field in PravegaImageSpec has been removed in v1beta1 and only "version" field in the Pravega Spec is now supported.

  1. Tier2 renamed to LongTermStorage in Pravega Spec

The field "Tier2" in Pravega Spec has been renamed to LongTermStorage in v1beta1. During upgrade the version conversion code takes care of migrating values mentioned inside Tier2 in v1alpha1 to field LongTermStorage in v1beta1 as there is no Tier2 feild in v1beta1.


For upgrading Operator to version 0.5.0, the following must be true:

  1. The Kubernetes Server version must be at least 1.15, (WebhookConversion is a beta feature in Kubernetes 1.15) See:

  2. Cert-Manager or some other certificate management solution must be deployed for managing webhook service certificates. The upgrade trigger script assume user has cert-manager installed but any other cert management solution can also be used and script would need to be modified accordingly.

Installing cert-manager:

  1. Bookkeeper Operator must be deployed in the same namespace as Pravega Operator, prior to triggering the upgrade.Also, Bookkeeper operator config map should contain the bookkeeper versions of the installed bookkeeper.

  2. Additionally, modify the version map present at this location (, to include the pravega version installed.

Triggering the upgrade

The upgrade to Operator 0.5.0, can be triggered using the script under tools folder. This script patches the Pravega Cluster CRD and creates necessary K8s artifacts, needed by 0.5.0 Operator, prior to triggering the upgrade by updating the image tag in Operator deployment.

How to check for successful upgrade completion

As in earlier cases, upgrading to operator version 0.5.0, causes the old operator pod to be terminated and a new operator pod (with image 0.5.0) to be created.

The new pravega operator immediately detects that the stored version of Pravega CR(v1alpha1) is different from the watched version(v1beta1) and triggers the conversion webhook for converting the CR from v1alpha1 to v1beta1. These logs in the new p-operator pod indicate that a conversion was attempted and completed successfully:

"Converting Pravega CR version from v1alpha1 to v1beta1"

eventually followed by message:

"Version migration completed successfully."

The execution of version conversion code in operator takes from a few secs upto a minute. But for these changes to take effect on Kubernetes server, it may take upto 8-10 minutes. During this period, resource requests on the pravegacluster object (kubectl get and kubectl describe calls) will fail and this is expected.

Once conversion completes on server, these requests should reflect appropriate values and status for Pravega and Bookkeeper CR Objects.

Impact on Pravega

  1. Till Pravega CR conversion has completed on the Kubernetes server (detected by a successful kubectl get/describe pravegacluster <clustername>) no scale/update/delete operations should be attempted on Pravega/Bookkeeper clusters as this can mess up with the conversion process and leave the cluster in an inconsistent state.

  2. If I/O is running on Pravega during this upgrade, for a few minutes (till Bookkeeper and SegmentStore STS/Services are recreated) Readers/Writers may be stalled. Nevertheless they will be able to resume again, provided retries are appropriately configured and/or readers that have bailed out due to "RetriesExhaustedException" are restarted again by the client application.

Migrating out of Pravega CR v1alpha1

Operator 0.5.0 watches and reconciles only v1beta1 Pravega CR and not v1alpha1. After all Pravega Clusters in a given K8s Cluster have migrated to version v1beta1 the served: flag for version v1alpha1 can be set to false in the PravegaCRD to indicate this is no longer a supported Pravega CR version.