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Aneil Mallavarapu edited this page Jan 24, 2018 · 2 revisions

Overview provides Consumers with reports that help them get a deeper understanding of their health, using a variety of consumer-friendly, over-the-internet test kits, such as DNA genotype and sequence analysis, microbiome analysis, and others. Reports describe a particular facet of health or biology based on the latest research, and show the user their personalized results. Precisely only offers legitimate tests, and always highlights problems Precisely's business model involves establishing a low price point for a focused set of results a user cares about, and charges for incremental access to new reports and tests. Content on the platform is intended to be open and accessible to internet users.

At the outset, will offer a different value prop than Laboratory Diagnostic Tests (LDTs), which are intended for diagnostic and risk-assessment purposes. The service offers consumers a tool for researching their own health


The website is a React app backed by GraphQL services deployed on AWS. It is based on the Serverless GraphQL kit and follows the basic pattern documented there. Cognito is used for identity management, Lambda is used for providing scalable GraphQL services, and GraphQL schema stitching is used to federate APIs, each of which provide access to data of different types, stored in different databases.



Precisely stores sensitive health data. It protects users by separating their personally identifying information from health data by storing each in separate database under separate identifiers. The connection between health data identifiers and user personal information and login information is stored in a separate database. Separation of data and narrowly scoped IAM roles focused around specific data sources creates a strong barrier to a large scale scale breach, where health data for a large number of users is compromised.

See Security.


Gene Service



Because we are dealing with consumer health data, we must make an effort to store the results securely and in a way which minimizes the risk of exposure of private details.

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