This is a PHP take on the ReactJS Prop Types checking. I made it because I wanted an easier way to validate the type and presence of properties in Phpx components.
git clone
cd pre-prop-types
composer install
composer test
We support most of the built-in types:
use App\Profile;
use Pre\PropTypes;
$profile = Profile::find(1);
$definitions = [
"name" => PropTypes::string()->isRequired(),
"age" => PropTypes::int(),
"rating" => PropTypes::float(),
"permissions" => PropTypes::arrayOf(PropTypes::string()),
"thumbnail" => PropTypes::either(
PropTypes::string(), // uri
PropTypes::resource(), // file handle
"profile" => PropTypes::objectOf(Profile::class)->isRequired(),
"onMessage" => PropTypes::closure()->isRequired(),
"isAdmin" => PropTypes::bool()->isRequired(),
$properties = [
"name" => "Joe",
"profile" => $profile,
"onMessage" => function($message) use ($profile) {
"isAdmin" => false,
try {
PropTypes::validate($definitions, $properties);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
// ...handle the error
will ensure the value is present in the accompanying properties arrayeither
allows one or more types (preferably two distinct types) for comparison
There are also variations on these:
expects any array values, without a specific typePropTypes::boolean()
is the same asPropTypes::bool()
is the same asPropTypes::int()
expects double valuesPropTypes::iterable()
expects any iterable valuesPropTypes::numeric()
expects any numeric valuesPropTypes::object()
expects any object values, without a specific type
We don't automatically validate props – this must be done by the consumer. And example Phpx render method demonstrates this:
use Pre\PropTypes;
use function Pre\Phpx\Html\render as renderHTML;
function render($type, $props = [])
$props = (array) $props;
if (class_exists($type)) {
if (method_exists($type, "propTypes")) {
PropTypes::validate($type::propTypes(), $props);
if (method_exists($type, "defaultProps")) {
$props = array_merge($type::defaultProps(), $props);
return renderHTML($type, $props);