This is a simple project inspired by Paper application of Facebook.
Trying Paper Facebook I am impressed by this seemingly Menu where the application appears in full screen, and then if you open the menu appears in the Status Bar.
This is the most import piece of code:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleLightContent];
// the path identifier is formed with storyboard name, dot and viewcontroller identifier (eg: Main.mainviewcontroller)
[GTAppMenuController instantiateFrontViewControllerWithIdentifierPath:@"Main.front"
return YES;
GTBackViewController is the UITableViewController with the cells. GTAppMenuController is a UINavigationController (Why? i don't know, I thought it was better to use a navigation controller) and this is the purple view that captures the event of swipe.
It just needs some help from you guys. After that, here's my list:
- When select a UITableViewCell push to other View (like Paper)
- Testing
Gianluca Tursi
GTAppMenuController is available under the MIT license. See the file LICENSE.