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IntegrationTools specifies an interface for easily passing functions and fields, referred to as ‘PFunctions’ and ‘PFields’, to a computer program. It mainly consists of a header file library written in C++, and the Library Writer program 'lw'. It also provides a C interface so that functions can be used across coding languages, and a Python package 'pfunction' that uses the C interface to allow access to your functions in Python.


  • May be templated by input and return type, so many-to-many explicit relationships may expressed using containers or structures
  • Can be defined piece-wise
  • Can be series functions of some basis set, called a PBasisSet, or a series function of the tensor product of multiple PBasisSets
  • The API includes methods for evaluating the function, the first derivatives, and the second derivatives


  • Implement the same API as PFunctions for evaluating the value of a finite element field, its first derivatives, and it's second derivatives
  • Currently support exists for reading fields from .vtk files using "Quad" elements in 2D and "Hexahedron" elements in 3D

This code is developed by the PRedictive Integrated Structural Materials Science Center (PRISMS), at the University of Michigan, which is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering under Award #DE-SC0008637.


  • IntegrationTools is a header only library with no dependencies besides the C++ standard library.
  • Boost is used by the Library Writer program, lw, for the program_options, filesystem, and regex libraries.
  • The Python module pfunction has been tested using Python v2.7.5. The Python example script uses matplotlib.


  1. Clone the repository

     cd /path/to/
     git clone
     cd IntegrationTools
  2. Checkout the branch containing the version you wish to install. Latest is v1.0.0:

     git checkout v1.0.0
  3. From the root directory of the repository:

     make install

    You might need to set the following environment variables:

    • BIN: This specifies where lw will be installed. If not set, the default location is /usr/local/bin

    • BOOST: This specifies where the Boost libraries are located. If not set, the default compiler search path is used.

    • PYINSTALL: This specifies where to install the Python module pfunction. If not set, it uses the default distutils location.

  4. The directory include/IntegrationTools contains all the header files necessary. You can copy it somewhere in your default header search path, often:

     cp -r include/IntegrationTools /usr/local/include


Writing and using PFunctions in a program

The program supporting PFunctions should be linked to a shared library, typically with the name To use your own custom functions in the program, they must be written as C++ code in the PFunction format and compiled into a library that replaces, typically by using a symbolic link. To do this:

  1. Write a PFunction for the function you wish to input to the program. This can be done most easily using the code generation tools in the IntegrationToolsWriter software package. This describes what the code generator is doing:

    • Write classes, such as MyFunc_X, which inherit from PSimpleBase<VarContainer, OutType> for each of the individual expressions needed to evaluate the function and its first and second derivatives. By convention we use MyFunc_f for evaluating the function itself, MyFunc_0, MyFunc_1, ... for first derivatives, and MyFunc_0_0, MyFunc_0_1, ... for second derivatives. Each of these derived classes should implement the virtual members in PSimpleBase that specify how to evaluate function, or return strings expressing the function in as a symbolic expression, in latex form, and as C source code.
    • Write a class, MyFunc, that inherits from PFuncBase<VarContainer, OutType>, and implements the virtual methods. The virtual methods define how to evaluate the function and its derivatives, usually using the code written in the previous step.
    • For an example, see tests/testlib/MyFunc.hh3.
  2. Use the Library Writer, 'lw', to collect all the PFunctions you want to use and compile them into a shared library called, for example,

     lw -d /path/to/search -v "std::vector<double>" -l /path/to/write -c 
     mv /path/to/write/ /path/to/write/
    • -d Directories to check for *.hh files containing classes that inherit from PSimpleBase, PFuncBase, PBasisSet, PPieceWiseSimpleBase, or PPieceWiseFuncBase
    • -v Types to use for VarContainer template parameter. What types to use should be documented by the program in which you are going to use the PFunctions.
    • -l Location to write library.
    • -c Compile library after writing.
    • Check lw -h help documentation to see how to set compiler options.
    • This also creates files named PLibrary.hh and which declare and define methods for "checking out" PFunctions from the PLibrary by name.
  3. Replace with a symbolic link to

    • ln -s /path/to/write/ /path/to/

Writing piece-wise defined PFunctions

To write a piece-wise defined PFunction, you must:

  1. Write a PFunction for each piece:
    • Follow the same steps as for MyFunc above.
  2. Define the domain over which each piece should be evaluated:
    • For each piece, you must write a set of PSimpleFunctions (classes inheriting from PSimpleBase, as MyFunc_X above) that all evaluate to true in the domain of the piece.
  3. Write a class inheriting from PPieceWiseFuncBase<VarContainer, OutType> (which itself inherits from PFuncBase<VarContainer, OutType>) that adds all the necessary Pieces when constructed.

For an example, see tests/testlib/MyPieceWiseFun.hh.

Writing a PBasisSet

To write a PBasisSet, you must:

  1. Write a set of classes that inherit from PSimpleBase<InType, OutType> that evaluate the individual basis functions, and their first and second derivatives.
    • Typically InType and OutType are type double
  2. Write a class that inherits from PBasisSetBase<InType, OutType> implementing the PBasisSet
    • Typically this will contain the individual basis functions as a vector of PFunctions

For an example, see tests/testlib/Monomial.hh and tests/testlib/Chebyshev.hh.

Writing a program that can use PFunctions

Suppose you are writing a program that evaluates functions that have a known signature (input type and output type), but unknown form, and want users to be able to specify the form of the equation without having to recompile your code.

  1. Create a PFunction library (PLibrary.hh and as in the previous section, using dummy PFunctions that implement the desired signatures.

  2. Write a program that uses PFunctions that are checked out from the PLibrary by name. An example program using PFunctions is located at tests/PFunction/test_PFunction.cpp.

  3. Include the dummy PLibrary.hh (which needs the IntegrationTools header file library in your search path) and link

  4. Users can then update the available PFunctions using the steps in the previous section and re-run your program without re-compiling the entire thing.

The example program at tests/PFunction/test_PFunction.cpp prints the following output documenting the use of PFunctions:

#include "PLibrary.hh"
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  using namespace PRISMS;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Create an input variable vector, for a function of a single variable.
  // PFunctions typically evalulate with [], so even a function of a single
  // variable takes a container as input.

  std::vector<double> var(1, 2.1);

  double result;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Construct a PFunction that takes input of type std::vector<double>
  // and returns output of type double.
  PFunction<std::vector<double>, double> func;

  // Checkout the Quadratic function.
  PLibrary::checkout("Quadratic", func);

  // PFunction::operator()([x]) = 1+x+x^2
  result = func(var); // = 7.51

  // PFunction::grad([x], x); //  = 1+2*x
  result = func.grad(var, 0); //  = 5.2

  // PFunction::hess([x], x, x); //  = 2 
  result = func.hess(var, 0, 0); //  = 2

  // After evaluation, the latest result is stored and can be accessed
  // multiple times without recalculation:
  result = func(); //  = 7.51
  result = func.grad(0); //  = 5.2
  result = func.hess(0, 0); //  = 2

  // Use eval_grad(var) or eval_hess(var) to evaluate 
  // the entire gradient vector or hessian matrix.

  result = func.grad(0); //  = 5.2

  result = func.hess(0, 0); //  = 2

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Add another variable for a function of two variables. 

  // Checkout the MyFunc function.
  PLibrary::checkout("MyFunc", func);

  // PFunction::operator()([x, y]) = x*y^2+y^3+x^2*y+x^3
  result = func(var); //  = 93.296

  // PFunction::grad([x, y], x); //  = y^2+2*x*y+3*x^2
  result = func.grad(var, 0); //  = 40.18

  // PFunction::hess([x, y], x, x); //  = 2*y+6*x
  result = func.hess(var, 0, 0); //  = 19.6

  // After evaluation, the latest result is stored and can be accessed 
  // multiple times without recalculation:

  result = func(); //  = 93.296
  result = func.grad(0); //  = 40.18
  result = func.hess(0, 1); //  = 3.10504e+231

  // Use eval_grad(var) or eval_hess(var) to evaluate
  // the entire gradient vector or hessian matrix.
  result = func.grad(0); //  = 40.18
  result = func.grad(1); //  = 55.86

  result = func.hess(0, 0); //  = 19.6
  result = func.hess(0, 1); //  = 11.2
  result = func.hess(1, 0); //  = 11.2
  result = func.hess(1, 1); //  = 25.2

  return 0;

Writing a program that can use PFields

See tests/PFields/test.cpp for an example.

  1. First construct an empty Body<Coordinate, DIM>, which will contain the finite element mesh and all the fields.

    • A Body is templated by coordinate type (typename), and coordinate dimension (int).
  2. Read the mesh and fields from a .vtk file into the Body.

  3. Checkout a PField<Coordinate, OutType, DIM> from the Body by name, and use it just like a PFunction.

    • A PField is templated by coordinate type (typename), field type (typename), and coordinate dimension (int)

Writing a program that uses PBasisSets and PSeriesFunctions

  1. A PBasisSet can be checked out from a PLibrary just like a PFunction
  2. The API is similar, but the index of the basis function to evaluate must be given along with the input value.

The example program at tests/PFunction/test_PBasisSet.cpp prints the following output documenting the use of PBasisSets and PSeriesFunctions:

#include "PLibrary.hh"
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  using namespace PRISMS;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Construct a PBasisSet of basis fucntions that takes input of type 
  // double and return output of type double.                    
  PBasisSet<double, double> bset;

  double var = 0.8;
  double result;
  std::vector<double> result_vec;

  // Checkout the Monomial PBasisSet, including 30 basis functions
  PLibrary::checkout("Monomial", bset, 30);

  // PBasisSet::operator()(i, x) = x^i
  result = bset(0, var); // = 1
  result = bset(1, var); // = 0.8
  result = bset(2, var); // = 0.64
  // ... up to i = 29

  // PBasisSet::grad(i, x) = i*x^(i-1)
  result = bset.grad(0, var); // = 0
  result = bset.grad(1, var); // = 1
  result = bset.grad(2, var); // = 1.6
  // ... up to i = 29

  // PBasisSet::hess(i, x) = i*(i-1)*x^(i-2)
  result = bset.hess(0, var); // = 0
  result = bset.hess(1, var); // = 0
  result = bset.hess(2, var); // = 2
  // ... up to i = 29

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Construct a vector of PBasisSets to be used by the PSeriesFunction 
  std::vector<PBasisSet<double, double> > bsets;
  // Construct a vector of ints to index the tensor basis
  std::vector<int> indices(bsets.size(), 0);

  // Construct a vector of doubles giving the input variables
  std::vector<double> vars(bsets.size(), 0.0);

  // Construct a PSeriesFunction using the PBasisSets
  // Pass in 0.0 and 1.0 to set zero and identity
  typedef PSeriesFunction<double, double, std::vector<double>, std::vector<int> > Series;
  Series series(0.0, 1.0, bsets);

  // Set the coefficients

  // Set a constant term
  series.coeff()(indices) = 1.0;

  // Set a term linear in x, constant in y
  indices[0] = 1;
  indices[1] = 0;
  series.coeff()(indices) = 2.0;

  // Set a term linear in x, quadratic in y
  indices[0] = 1;
  indices[1] = 2;
  series.coeff()(indices) = 3.0;

  // Set a term quadratic in x, cubic in y
  indices[0] = 2;
  indices[1] = 3;
  series.coeff()(indices) = 4.0;

  // Evaluate the PSeriesFunction at (0.5, 0.7)
  vars[0] = 0.5;
  vars[1] = 0.7;
  result = series(vars); // = 1.0 + 2.0*x + 3.0*x*y*y + 4.0*x*x*y*y*y = 3.078

  // Evaluate the first derivative w/ x at (0.5, 0.7)
  result = series.grad(vars, 0); // = 2.0 + 3.0*y*y + 8.0*x*y*y*y = 4.842

  // Evaluate the second derivative w/ x, y at (0.5, 0.7)
  result = series.hess(vars, 0, 1); // = 6.0*y + 24.0*x*y*y = 10.08

  return 0;


This directory contains the IntegrationTools code developed by the PRISMS Center at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.

(c) 2014 The Regents of the University of Michigan


This code is a free software; you can use it, redistribute it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Please see the file LICENSE for details.

Release Notes

Release 1.0.0 will include:

  • PSimpleFunction, PFunction, and PBasisSet
  • PSeriesFunction, with tensor product output and coefficient input
  • Piecewise functions: PPieceWise
  • PFields, read from .vtk files, using Quad and Hexahedron elements
  • The library writer: lw
  • PExtern for calls from C, Fortran, etc.
  • IntegrationTools wrapper for Python, 'pfunction'